25. Memories

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Christen's pov:

I've been lost since Amanda's been gone. Work, sleep, repeat. I have gone on a few dates but she's not here for me to gossip to. Where could she be? Why hasn't she been in contact with me? Is she ok?

I take out my phone while sinking into the bathtub full of bubbles. I can't decide what to say at first but finally begin to tap my fingers.

Hey, it's been awhile. When are you coming home? Are you ok? Of course you're ok but where are you?
I miss you. Being alone in this house for so long makes me think about you.
I know cheesy lol 😂
Amanda if you ever even see this. I just want you to know I miss you so much. I think about you every second of every day. I think about all of our memories together.
One in particular was when we first met while I was outside hanging out on the swings at my old house and you asked if you if I needed company.
After that day we were inseparable. We did everything together. You spent the night every weekend. Over the summer we were either at my house or yours.
Its weird not having you here. It's a lot to adjust to. I wish you would just come home.
Make sure to message me asap. I need to hear your voice😢
I love you best friend...

Memory's flood back to me. We've been through so much. She's my only friend I can rely on. She's always been here, through thick and thin, my best friend, my everything.

"Where are you?" I ask while looking at the wallpaper on my phone.

I close my eyes and remember that amazing day. It was Halloween, my first party:

"I look stupid!" I exclaim while looking at my reflection.

"You don't look stupid, look at me. Feel better now?" Amanda asks while pulling on her shirt which says 'This is my Costume.'

"The difference is I'm trying and you're not," I say, putting emphasis on not.

"It's only a party, you don't have to go all out," she says while fixing my bunny tail.

"But I-" I begin but she stops me by smacking my butt.

"Shut up and let me help you out," she laughs while turning me around and messes with my costume.

I was torn between the cat and bunny but Amanda told me that several people were going to be a cat this year. Basic, I know.

"Close your eyes," she says while picking up some eyeshadow and a brush.

"I don't trust you with that," I say while looking at her hand that is coming closer to my face.

"I promise that I'm only doing one thing," she says while lightly holding my chin to steady me.

I end up closing my eyes, regretting my decision but she doesn't do anything. I open my eyes and see her face contorted in confusion.

"Alright soooooo, I don't know what I'm doing but you should put some more pink right there," she says while pointing.

I take her advice and apply more pink to my eyelids and take a look. She was right, it looks a lot better. I apply it to my other eye and take a step back to look at the finished masterpiece.

"Feel better now?" She asks and takes a seat on my bed.

"Much better, I don't know what I would do without you," I say while smiling at her.

She rolls her eyes at me as a smile rises to her lips and then she grabs her bag. "Lets go," she says, intertwining her arm with mine.

We arrive at the party and she gives me this knowing look as several girls dressed up as cats pass me. I may have given her some shit, saying that people wouldn't be dressed as a cat. What? I didn't think they would.

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