10. My Bloodline

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Amanda's POV :

"I did the research on your bloodline and it goes back hundreds of years. Your family line is very different," Glen said pointing his attention towards me. I could tell he was very hesitant to tell me by the way his eyes drifted to his hands as he didn't know where to place them. I placed my hand on him and then we locked eyes.

"Tell me, I need to know," I said rubbing my thumb over his to comfort him. He let out a sigh and leaned into my gaze.

"You have vampire in you but not just any, you're a pureblood..." His words shocked me and I just sat back. I didn't know how to react. Dylan had told me about pureblood's but not a lot. I was kinda hoping I didn't have any vampire in me.

"That's impossible. Humans aren't able to have vampire in them," I could tell Dylan didn't want this either.

"The Pratt family were one of the highest-ranking pureblood vampires in the world. They started to go extinct and ended up getting a witch involved so they could mate and continue on the bloodline. They ended up having 2 children. Their names were Vicky Pratt and Samuel Pratt. Vicky was successful but Samuel ended up being human and they gave him away," Glen said looking away.

"Are you sure? Is there any other possibility?" Dylan asks while putting his hand on my knee while turning his golden gaze to me. I met his eyes with tears filling up in my eyes.

"I'm almost positive but if you really want to make sure then you should probably go talk to Blake. He would be able to tell you." Glen said excusing himself and making his way to the kitchen. I didn't like the idea of talking to anyone else about my problems, I want everything to stay between us and I want to continue my semi-normal life.

"What does this mean, to be a pureblood? Am I in any danger?" I exhale while looking at Dylan. His lips curve down into a frown as he pulls me in for a hug. "Tell me," I whisper, shrugging his arms off of me.

"You're in a lot of danger. The best thing we can do is talk to Blake, he's a warlock and will tell us what we're up against and if we can do anything to keep you safe," he says leaning back into the couch. I copy what he does and let out a sigh. What if I have to become a vampire? I don't want to be a vampire...

"When will we be leaving?" I lean into him as I talk. His arms tightly wrap around me and I could feel him clenching his fists.

"You should pack, we will be leaving soon," he softly spoke in an effort to ease my agony. My eyes were building up tears fast and I had to get out of there before Dylan could see. I don't want him questioning why I was upset, I don't want to tell him that I don't want to be a vampire. I don't want to tell him I want a normal life.

He follows me into the room while I frantically wipe the tears away from my eyes. He presses his hard chest into my backside and tries to turn me around but I refuse.

"Look at me," he breathes out. I could hear the sternness in his voice so I obey. I turn to face him and immediately slam my face into his chest so he doesn't have to see my tears. He grabs my chin and makes me look at him.

"What does it mean to be a pureblood?" I ask, tears still flowing down my face.

"People will be after you, trying to kill you. Just know, whatever happens, I'll be here. I won't let anything happen to you even if that means getting myself killed. I care about you too much to let anyone touch you that isn't me," His voice is grim. I wrap my arms around him and bury my face into his chest again. His arms swallow me.

"What if I have to become a vampire? Will you still care for me like you do now?" I hummed into his chest. I didn't think he even heard me.

"I will forever care about you. Ever since I met you I knew that I wouldn't be able to let you go. I didn't think I would ever care about someone so much. I am in love with you and nothing will ever change that," he said. I tilted my head up to him and he captures my lips in a kiss. I could feel the lust come through his kiss and mine signaled back to him. He grabs behind my head and at my waist and deepens the kiss. I felt myself fall back onto the bed and he followed. His hands explore my body as he travels kisses down my jaw and neck. My chest began to rise frantically when he got to my sweet spot on my neck.

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