23. Death

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Amanda's pov:

I am immediately put into the cage once we're back. He has said nothing at all and we've been in here for about 30 minutes. he just continues to pace the room and ignores his phone that continues to ring.

"Why have you been so nice to us?" I ask out of curiosity.

He stops pacing and walks over to my cage. He doesn't answer but only chuckles before opening the door to my imprisonment. I crawl out and look up at him before getting to my feet and standing in front of him.

My curiosity turns to courage as I stare up at the man in front of me. His dark eyes are full of hunger, looking right back at me.

"I'm hungry," he states with dead eyes.

"Why are you being so nice to us?" I repeat.

"I haven't been nice," he says with a cocked eyebrow.

"Anyone else would probably have killed me by now. Why haven't you?" I ask while taking a step towards him and then another to where we were only inches apart now.

"Who's said I'm not going to kill you soon?" He questions but I can tell he's lying.

"Don't lie to me!" I yell while pushing his chest, "You let me see Dylan, even if it wasn't for long. You won't let anyone else touch me or cause harm to me. You healed me when Riki stabbed me. Why are you doing this?"

I could tell his rage was building but so was mine. I couldn't do much and he could kill me in an instant but something was telling me that he wouldn't. I had a feeling he couldn't even hurt me unless it was to feed.

"I have plans for you and Dylan. You and your boyfriends death is inevitable," he hums while taking a seat on the bed.

My mind roams back to what I truly want. I don't want Dylan to be hurt. If he was, I would never forgive myself. Forgive me Dylan because you will hate me after this.

"Don't hurt him. When it comes time, just take me," I squeak out, trying to keep tears from streaming down my face. My courage dissipating into fear.

His eyes widen in shock but he quickly recovers his stern look, "Is that what you truly want?"

"Yes," I breathe out as tears fall from my eyes.

He simply nods his head and exits the room without saying a word. I'm left to cry as to what I've just said. I know it's the right thing though.


Dylan's pov:

"How was your visit?" Max asks while putting leather gloves on.

"It was great. Having someone you love in your arms is amazing. Don't you wish you had someone," I laugh at Max as he grabs more silver chains.

I hope to hit a nerve with Max. He can hurt me all he wants but he can't kill me, not yet. Honestly I'll be fine as long as Amanda is safe. They can hurt me all they want to.

A faint smile rises to his face as he drapes the metal over my neck, "I love being alone, it means I can have as many pets as I want."

"So you can always be a sick bastard?" I choke out through the pain.

"Precisely," he states and goes back to the table full of weapons.

All I hear is the rummaging of weapons as the door flings open. Diego walks through with an all to happy smile on his lips.

"To what do we owe the honor," Max piped up when he notices him still not leaving the area of weapons.

"I've got some news," he quirks up while taking steps towards me.

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