18. I love you and only you

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Amanda's POV:

I wake up to my phone ringing beside my bed. I read who's calling and chuckle at the name.

"Hey, I was just..." I begin but am cut off by Christens voice.

"Why didn't you tell me you were with the billionaire hottie!" She screams over the phone.

"What are you talking about?" I ask while walking over to the sink in the bathroom.

"Ummm, the one that has been on the news and I've been talking about all the time," she sarcastically says.

"Blake? I came here with Dylan," I admit to her.

"I can't believe you wouldn't tell me," she says with a sad tone.

"Honestly, I never knew who you were talking about. You know I don't watch the news," I say to her and grab my toothbrush.

"I know but still you should have told me," she says in a prissy voice.

"Wait, how do you know I'm with him?" I ask while squeezing some toothpaste on the brush.

"You're all over the news! Several pictures were taken of y'all at the beach," she says and I could hear her tapping on her phone.

"Great, that's going to cause problems," I say to her before pushing my toothbrush into my mouth.

"Well anyway, you have to introduce me! I would love to get ahold of the chocolate man," she says while making purring sounds into the phone.

I pull my toothbrush out of my mouth and spit the foam into the sink.

"What about the new employee?" I ask and hear a sigh come through the phone.

"He said I was annoying and stopped talking to me," she says while tapping on her phone some more.

"A guy turning you down is abnormal," I say before rinsing my mouth out and walking back to the bed.

"Yeah I know! Well I got to go, ttyl!" She says before a beep sounds through my ear.

I finish getting ready and roll back onto the bed. I search through my phone and notice a few messages from my adopted mother.

Hey honey! How have you been?
I guess you're asleep 😴
I miss you so much! When are you going to visit?
How about next Friday you come visit?

Sorry I was asleep 💤
Ive been good and I miss you too!
I'll have to see about next Friday. Tbh life has been very complicated lately but I'll be visiting soon...

Well I'll be looking forward to seeing you.
I saw you on the news early this morning! Are you dating Mr. Walker?

No, he's actually a friend of my boyfriend, Dylan.

Why haven't you talked about him before?
Does he treat you well?
What is he like?
Will I approve?

I'm sorry about not telling you and yes, he's an amazing person! I think you'll love him.

I'll be the judge of that!
Anyway honey, I have to go to work.
I can't wait to see you and I'll be expecting to see Dylan as well!

I love you ❤️😘💕
Have a good day at work.

I love you too darling 😍

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