9. How does it feel? (Edited)

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Dylan's POV :

The man from the other day's words kept playing through my mind.

"The council won't like this. She's human and you know they won't like that!"

My emotions came through and without thought, I told the man a secret that could cost her life. I needed to tell her about everything and the risk she could be in. The risk of dying. It all depends on the mood of the council. I walked over to Amanda's house and knocked. I heard her and Christen talking about me from in the house. Amanda opens the door and immediately blushed at my appearance.

"Hello ladies," I said grabbing Amanda and placing a kiss on her forehead. She made me feel like I was alive again.

"I want you to show me your fangs!" Christen blurted. She had gotten a lot better since the other day. She trusted me and that made me feel even better and closer to Amanda.

"I told her no. I don't think she's ready." Amanda turned her eyes to me, obviously a little unsure about this.

"If she wants to see it then I might as well. It's her decision." I threw Amanda over my shoulder and carried her to the couch as she protested. Christen followed with anticipation. I sat down and put Amanda at my side while Christen sat in front of us on the ground. I could see the excitement in her eyes. "Are you sure you want to see them?" I question her.

"Of course! I trust you and I haven't really seen fangs before." Her voice turns a mixture of sincere and giddy. I slowly let my fangs come out and flashed a smile to her. She studied my elongated teeth as her eyes went wide. She didn't seem frightened but was more curious. "Have you ever fed from her." She pointed towards Amanda but kept her gaze on me.

"Yes, but I would never hurt her. I've had many years of practice to know how to feed on someone and not hurt them. With Amanda and our bond, it gives her pleasure." I looked in Amanda's direction and her cheeks flushed with embarrassment which made me smile. I turned back to Christen as she looked between us.

"Can you show me?" Her voice was a whisper and made Amanda turn even redder.

"Amanda? Is that ok with you?" Her eyes seem to widen at my question like she didn't think I would go with it.

"Are you sure you're ready to see that? I don't want you feeling like shit anymore." Amanda spoke to Christen and she nods. I took that as my opportunity to pin Amanda to the couch. She squealed a little and then made eye contact with me. I kissed her lips and let my tongue explore her mouth. She moaned into me and kissed back. I broke the kiss and trailed kisses down her jaw and neck. I licked at her neck and kissed the spot my fangs would enter. Her hands gripped my shirt as I nipped at her neck. I could feel her back arch with pleasure. I put one arm under her back and one pulling her hair behind her head. I extended my fangs and bit into her.

I could feel Amanda trying to contain her moans but she was failing horribly. I took in her sweet blood and let it trickle down my throat. It was so hard to stop when her blood was intoxicating. I reluctantly let go of her from my fangs and licked up the droplets that formed at her bite wounds. I got up off of her and watched as she tried to catch her breath. The stronger our bond gets the harder it gets to stop and for her, it's harder for her to control herself. I turned to Christen and her cheeks were bright red. She cleared her throat and looked away.

"I feel like I just watched y'all have sex." She chuckles at us. I smiled back while licking the blood from my lips.

"That's what it feels like." Amanda breathes out as she sighs and puts her head on my shoulder.

"Alright well, I need to talk to Amanda in private. We'll be back in her room." I said while getting a nod from Christen. I grab her hand,walking with her to her room, becoming more nervous by the second. She sits down on her bed and lets her fingers touch at her neck.

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