20. Youre a monster

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Amanda's POV :

We got to the playground in under five minutes and let Sierra loose. I pushed her on the swing and we all play tag for a little while. I take a seat on the bench and watch as Riki messes with Sierra and plays in the sandbox.

"I'm appreciate that you apologized to Riki. She's going to be staying with Blake until she's back on her feet," Dylan says while sitting next to me and putting an arm around me.

"I realized that I was being childish. I should have talked to you before blowing up," I admit and lean onto his shoulder.

"You're an amazing person. I'm lucky to have you," Dylan says and kisses my head.

"I've missed you so much," I say as I lean my head up and catch his lips.

I savor the moment as I know we won't be here much longer. We finished everything we came here to do and I know that this trip is soon to be over but is it bad that I don't want it to end? I've met so many amazing people and it's like a vacation for Dylan and I. We've grown stronger ever since we got here even though he left for a little bit.

I turn to Dylan and notice he's looking at Sierra playing with Riki. He has a slight smile on his cheeks as they run around and laugh.

"Do you like kids?" I ask Dylan while watching Sierra play in the sand pit.

"Yeah. Before I was changed, I would watch the kids play in the village and get in trouble for breaking things. I never really had a childhood so I'd watch them have theirs," he sighs.

"Why didn't you have a childhood?" I ask and look up at him.

"Well, my mother ran off after I was born and so I would clean and garden. My father was always at work so someone needed to do it," he hums.

"That must have been tough," I say and place my hand on his thigh.

"It's in the past. Everything that happened back then led me to my life today," he says and pulls me closer to him.


After a few hours at the park, we come home at the same time as Blake and Reign. Sierra grabs Reigns hand and pulls her away leaving Blake, Dylan, Riki, and I alone in the kitchen.

"I assume you all will be leaving tomorrow?" Blake says while taking a seat at the dining table.

"Yeah, but I do need a favor," Dylan takes the seat in front of him.

"And that is?" He asks back.

"Riki needs a place to stay until she's back on her feet," Dylan states.

"Not my problem," Blake announces with annoyance lacing his words.

"It will just be for a little bit," I say.

"I don't care. This isn't my problem to deal with. I have important matters to deal with and don't need anyone else staying here," he groans.

"Please, I just need a little more help," Dylan tries again.

"I'm not going to help a monster and that's final!" Blake yells out in aggravation as he jumps up from his chair.

The room is silent and uncomfortable as Dylan and Blake stare at each other. My mind keeps going back to when we were on the beach and Blake told me to be careful of Dylan.

I place my hand on Dylan's arm and his muscles flex at my sudden touch. I look up at him and see he's wearing a stern look while keeping his eyes on Blake.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

Blake's eyes dart down to me and then back up to Dylan. His lips curl up into a half smirk as his arms cross his chest.

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