29. Casket

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Christens POV:

No one wanted to be here. No one thought they would have to be here so soon. Grieving family or friends of an amazing person that passed at such a young age.

Why couldn't things be better in this world? She had her whole life to look forward to and yet she's laying lifeless in a casket now. People surrounding her grave to say prayers that I don't even know, that I've never seen. People that Amanda has probably not seen in a long time and this is how they reunite.

The preacher takes the stand and my thoughts are interrupted by his deep voice.

"Amanda Pratt was a loving child. I remember when I was reading her the Bible she used to hate it and then a few years later she ended up reading the whole thing by herself and then some. She would always share stories with me about her day to day life and how she was so grateful to have the family and friends she had. She would never let anyone keep her down. Always stood up for herself and others," I begin to drift off as he keeps talking about Amanda.

Memories flood back to me about certain habits she had. How the toilet paper had to alway be rolling from the top and not the bottom. How she had to eat with the light on at all times. How she had to have syrup on everything, even bacon. And then life dawned on me. How I was never going to hear her laugh anymore. How I was never going to be able to hang pictures together with her anymore. How I was never going to be able to gossip with her about boys anymore. How I was never going to see her anymore.

A tear rolls down my cheek and a warm arm pulls me into a side embrace. I look over and catch Delilah worried face looking back at me.

"How are you doing?" She asks me and pulls me closer.

"Fucking horrible," I half chuckle, earning the side glances of people around me.

"Do you think you will still be able to do the speech?" Her concerned face softens a little to comfort me.

"I have to for her. She's my best friend," I whisper to her, trying to to attract the attention of others.

"Do you want me to go up there with you?" She asks and moves her arm from around my shoulder to tangle in my arm and lock fingers.

"I'll be fine," I slowly admit and give her a slight squeeze.

"We have a few people who would like to say a few words on behalf of Amanda," the priest says and Kim stands up first.

You can tell this whole time she has been a wreck and I don't blame her. Her only child had been taken away from her but besides that she is still standing tall in front of all of the people in the room.

"First, I would like to say thank you for coming. It means so much to me that all of you have come to join us and look back on Amanda's life and remember the best parts of it with us," I could tell this was hard on her by he voice giving out. "When Bruce and I have always wanted a child. Someone to give all of our attention to and spoil. We tried for years to conceive our own child but I found out I was never going to be able to have a child. We thought all hope was lost until we met Amanda. She was our ray of hope and as soon as we saw her, we knew we needed her in our lives. As time went on she figured out she was adopted. She would always ask me who her parents were and I would tell her I had no clue because in reality, I didn't," Kim stops and chuckles a little.

"I still remember her shrugging her tiny shoulders and saying 'it doesn't matter because I have the best mommy ever,'" I whisper along with Kim as she tells the story.

Delilah squeezes my hand a little and I can feel her eyes on me but I just keep mine straight forward.

"She was the best daughter I could have asked for and she will always be one of the closest people to my heart," Kim finishes before making her way back to her seat.

"Are you ready?" Delilah asks me as I brush my hair out of my face.

I slightly nod to her and walk to the stage. My hands begin to sweat as my emotions try to take control.

"Take your time sweetie," I hear from Bruce below me.

I nod again and look out at the crowd of people, examining everyone's face, printing an image of this exact moment in my brain.

"Amanda Pratt wasn't just a roommate to me, she was my best friend. We were just like sisters, inseparable," I say as I twist my fingers together in front of everyone.

"She was always there for me. If I ever needed a shoulder to cry on, she was there with a tub of ice cream and tissues. She never liked for me to be sad and that's the main reason I was so happy all the time, "I exhale slowly, wiping a tear before it met my cheek.

"When we first got the house, the first thing she had to do was hang pictures. Every time she would find a person I haven't seen before she would introduce me to the person like they had been standing right in front of me. I may not know any of you personally but I know you from the stories she's told me about you. She loved everyone so much and that's why her being gone is going to be so hard, because her love will still be here even though she is gone," I say and tear spill from my eyes and Delilah meets me on stage. She pulls me back to my seat and into a hug that makes me even more sad.


Delilah's pov:

We're led to the grave sight right after everyone is done speaking. We watch as her body is slowly lowered into the ground. Her parents walk up and throw sand on her grave first and then Christen does and then everyone else. As they are grieving and talking amongst everyone else I notice a figure standing under a white oak tree.

I catch Dylan's scent and I immediately run to him and pull him into a hug. I can't image how he's feeling right now. I look up and notice that his facial features aren't changing.

"What happened?" I ask and back away from him a little bit.

His eyes aren't focused on me but on Amanda's grave. I'm so sorry.

"Things didn't go the way they were supposed to," he answers sternly with no sign of emotion.

"Don't give me that bullshit," I respond harshly.

His eyes just travel straight to mine and I can tell he's pissed. I may have made it worse.

"Did they set you free?" I ask while grabbing into his hand and rubbing my thumb in circles over his.

"Not at all," He shortly responds.

"Will you ever tell me what's going on?" I plead but he just keeps staring out at the grave sight.

"I'm sorry for your loss," I say and a flash of sadness goes through his eyes.

He turns and doesn't say anything else. He's gone within a minute and his scent is all I'm left with.

Be safe.


So I'm not really happy with this chapter so I may edit it before I post the epilogue, it all depends on if I get lazy 😏.

I was gonna make this chapter the epilogue but then I realized it would be on an uneven number so here's another chapter that I wasn't planning on doing. The epilogue will be in the next chapter and the next chapter will most likely be posted tomorrow!!!!

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