Chapter 3

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After cutting the call, Taeyong threw himself on to his bed, screaming into his pillow and kicking the covers. He had no idea what came over him that he called Seulgi "baby" and did a "muah" at the end. He wanted to die so badly right now.

"Die you idiot! Die you idiot! Just kill yourself!" he hit his head with a book continuously, leaving a slight mark on his forehead.

"Ugh! I hate myself so much! Stupid Lee Taeyong!"

"Lee Taeyong! What the heck are you doing?" he quickly sits up at the man's voice.

"Dad! Knock! Please! I'm an adult! I need privacy!" he says before pulling the cover over his red face.

"Tch. Some adult you are. Still acting like a lovesick teenager." the old man chuckled as Taeyong kept grunting.

"Anyways, we have to leave on Tuesday. Just came to inform you that." he closed the door as he left, leaving Taeyong to drown in his miserable-ness.


Seulgi soon woke at the sound of her alarm. She got up and quickly changed into something nice, and was done in an hour. She texted Taeyong, and made her way out. But, upon reaching the lobby door, she ran back inside to her room, and called him instead.

"Hey. Where are you? I'm waiti..."

"Sorry, but can you... Come to my place? I... Um... Just come please, and call me when you get here." Taeyong didn't question her, and simply listened, knowing that something was wrong. Once he reached and went inside the lobby, he called her, and she came down.


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"Wow. You really off limits?" Taeyong joked, but her reaction wasn't what he expected. She laughed, but it soon became a frown as they went out. Just as they left the door, Taeyong noticed Seulgi moving closer to him while they walked, and he knew why. But, like before, he stayed quiet about it. They walked on, with Taeyong in the lead, until they reached a fast food place.

"What do you wanna eat?" he getured towards the menu on the wall, and Seulgi's eyes darted around.

"Set 24 please."

"Twenty five for me. Thank you." he paid for the food, and they sat next to one of the windows. The food arrived, and they began eating, and talked about random things. Especially Seulgi. She was talking about almost anything, even something random outside. And Taeyong went along with her, knowing she just wanted to be distracted. He was willing to be her gateway, her comfort person. Because he was getting something way better in return.

"Let's go! There's a mobile theme park that opened nearby." he got up and pulled her along out of the restaurant, and they ran for a while, Seulgi laughing at his behaviour. It was cute.

"Hurry! I hate queuing for the rides!" he cheered as they carefully crossed roads and between people, until they finally reached the entrance. The first thing Taeyong's eyes caught was the roller coaster. He pulled Seulgi with him, despite her constant resistance, and lined up for it. Once they got into a cart, Seulgi couldn't stop fiddling around with the belts. Taeyong grabbed her hand, and secured her arm around his.

"Just hold on tight! We're going... NOW!" the cart started to move, and he could feel Seulgi's nails digging into his skin, through his clothes. The cart soon reached the peak of the first drop, and the moment it went down, Seulgi's eyes closed shut, while Taeyong's arms were thrown into the air.

"WOOOOOO!!!" Seulgi was still holding his arm when he let go of the handle, and she started fussing.

"LEE TAEYONG! NO! PUT YOUR HANDS DOWN... AAHHHH!" she covered her face with her hands, but Taeyong put his arms behind her, and held her's up.


"That wasn't so bad. Seulgi... Wait. Are you..." he quickly held her from aside, and she leaned on him as he walked her to a bench.

"Ugh! Stupid hangover didn't get better before I left! It hurts now!" she held her head, and Taeyong looked around, and smiled at something.

"Stay here." he left, and came back with ice cream. He gave one to her, and smirked when she started taking big bites before even licking it. He slowly ate his, then looked over to see her already done. They walked around some game stalls, where they both won only a game each, and finally decided to enter the haunted house.

"Where do we put our prizes?" Seulgi asked holding up the duck doll she won, and named Joy. Taeyong pointed towards some lockers where they left their belongings, and lined up for the haunted house.

"I hope it's not too scary. It says Japanese themed, and they have some scary shit." (a/n: luv japanese/asian ghost stories)

"Language woman. And don't worry, you've got me, I'll protect you. I'm a real man." he winked making Seulgi roll her eyes. But she realised how he became still as they neared the entrance, making her chuckle. And just when they entered, she saw his true colours...

(let's pretend Seulgi is Yuta here)

"HAHAHA!!! YOU... SCREAM... LIKE A... GO... AT DY... DYIN... G... AHAHA!!!" Seulgi wheezed as she couldn't stop laughing at him once they were out.

"You even ra... Rapped!... EUHAHA!" Taeyong was so embarrassed that he simply hid his face in his hands and walked away. She chased after him and grabbed his hand.

"Hey Real Man! Our things are still in the lockers. Let's go." she dragged him to get their things, and they left the theme park. It was already dark, and while walking home, they came across some food tents where people were having dinner. Seulgi was caught by surprise when Taeyong put his coat over her, but appreciated it since she felt cold. They walked in silence, until they reached her place.

"That was fun today. Thanks for that. I owe you one." Seulgi said, and Taeyong's arms opened up at her words.

"How about a hug?" he pouted, and Seulgi chuckled before wrapping her arms around his torso, her head leaning against his chest, while his on her shoulder. They released, and she walked into the building, while Taeyong made way back to his home.


"Seulgi! What's up?" no response. She looked deep in thought, so Taeyong ran up behind her, tapping her shoulder.

"Hey. What's wrong? You seem... Tensed..." her head shot towards him, and he could see her eyes filled with dread.

"Uh... Nothing. I'm just tired today. Gotta go to class. Bye." she dashed off to the faculty building, leaving Taeyong a statue. There was definitely something wrong, and it was bad. Even after classes, he saw Seulgi run off home, not waiting a single minute. Just yesterday she was happy at the theme park, but now she looked horrified of something.

It was already past eleven at night, and Taeyong decided to call her. She hasn't spoken after that morning, and he couldn't help but be worried sick.

"Hello. Seulgi, I..." he was cut off instantly.

"Taeyong! It's you! Oh my gosh! I need you..."


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