Chapter 4

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a/n: New SeulYongxOtherIdols Vampire AU out.
Go check it out! 


"What is it? Why do you sou..."

"Come over! Please! I beg you! I can't take it!" she sounded rushed, and crying, and Taeyong wasted no time before dashing out and driving to her place. He ran inside and up the stairs to her room, and knocked. But it didn't open.

"Seulgi. Open up. It's me. Taeyong."

"Prove it! Taeyong would know the passcode! Prove it!" she yelled from inside, making him freeze. He keyed in the code, and the door opened. He walked in, and froze again at the sight.

"Seulgi! What happened? Why is... What did you do to the place?" she was crouched into a small ball in one corner of the small room, her face hidden in her arms, and he could hear her weeping. He walked to her and sat in front, taking her hands in his.

"What's wrong? What happened?"

"The window... The cash guy... Two months, and still... I'm scared..." she shivered as she spoke, and Taeyong peeked out the window, to see the university convinience store's cashier, the one he glared at two months ago. He finally knew what was causing Seulgi to always feel insecure and uncomfortable. He went back to her, but Seulgi shot up, and started trodding around the room.

"I can't take it! Two months! Two whole ******* months! He's a ******* stalker! I can't! I need to leave! He's even got my number! He's... Staring at me now!" she yelled at the open curtains of the window. Taeyong peeked from aside, and saw the man actually looking up to her room. He quickly closed the curtains, and clipped them with her hair clips to keep them in place. Seulgi was still going around the room, saying random curse words while ranting non stop. He stopped her and held her shoulders.

"Stop! You're gonna go insane! Calm down!"

"IcantcalmdownwiththatfreakhereIfeelexposedIcantlivelikethis..." he pulled her in and hugged her tight, and Seulgi bursted into tears. She dug her face into his chest while he stroked her hair.

"Shh... I'm here now. Calm down. You'll be safe." she wrapped her arms around him, and slowly calmed.

"We'll go to the police tomorrow, OK? You need to relax first, or they won't take you seriously. Go to sleep."

"Stay with me." Taeyong was caught off guard. "Stay... with me... tonight... I can't be alone... I'm... scared... I might end up being... attacked... I..." he tighten the hug to stop her.

"Shush. OK. I'll stay for tonight." he pulled away, and sat her on the bed. She was already in pyjamas, so he guessed she was already going to sleep before he came.

"Lie down. Just sleep. I'll be next to you." she looked terrible. Terribly worn out. She was exhausted, and a complete mess. To Taeyong, her state now made him feel really sad. He sat on the floor next to the bed,when Seulgi got up again.

"I... have extras. There." she pointed towards a drawer, and Taeyong opened to find an extra mattress, pillow and blanket. He pulled them out, and soon laid down.

"Tae... Taeyong... I'm sorry."

"Why?" his head shot up at her words.

"For bothering you. Thank you, but I'm sorry..." he sat up and held her hand in his.

"Don't say that. Why would I be bothered? Protecting you is a priority to me. I'd do it anytime." he played with her fingers while speaking.

"Do you... Do you like me, Taeyong?" everything became quiet, only the sound of the wind hitting the window could be heard.

"Yea. Why wouldn't I? You're a very cool person, and very nice..." he became quiet again, and peeked up after a while, to see Seulgi fast asleep. He smirked, and got up to pull the blanket over her, her hand still holding his.

But there's more...


Seulgi got up, pressing something in her hand. She looked to see she was still holding on to Taeyong's hand, in her sleep. She quickly let go, and placed it on his body, then got down from bed to the window. She took off one of the clips Taeyong had put there, and peeked through, and, she lost it.

"**** YOU *****!!!! (insert your own random curse words towards someone) GET THE HELL OUT OF MY LIFE!!!!!" Taeyong shot up to see she was throwing books at the closed window. He quickly got up and grabbed her from behind, holding her arms like a puppet.

"Seulgi! Stop! Stop it! You'll break the window! It's closed! He can't come in!" he hugged her, still holding her arms, from behind and tightened his hold, leaving her only squirming. They both fell to their knees still in that position.

"Let... Me... Go... Please..." Seulgi started crying her eyes out, trying to get out of Taeyong's hold. He loosened it, and turned her to face him, then hugged her again. He rested her head against his chest, and stroked her head while she cried into his shirt.

"I've got a video. Don't worry. I placed my phone by the window, and it should have recorded him there. We'll go to the police now, OK? Just calm down." he felt her nod slowly, and pulled her out.

"I'll wait outside. You get ready. And don't do anything stupid, or get triggered. Promise?" she nodded again, and Taeyong took his phone from where he hid it and took her laptop to the lobby. He transferred the video into a USB, and Seulgi soon came out changed into a hoodie and sweat pants, and a mask on her face.

Taeyong took her hand, and guided her to his car, avoiding the guy, who was still outside. She kept close to him, her hands holding his arm tight. They got in and drove off to the police station.


"You alright?"

"Never better." they walk into the campus, and Taeyong was happy to see Seulgi doing great again. She had a huge weight lifted off her shoulders, and was now flying. They walked in and parted ways to their own classes.

Night came, and as usual, they were walking around and out of campus together.

"Let's have dinner. I'm starving." Taeyong pet his stomach, and Seulgi chuckled.

"OK. My treat since you're always helping me. No rejections." he nodded grinning, and they head to a random food tent to eat. After the main course, they of course ordered some shots and drank. Like usual, Seulgi became drunk fast, and Taeyong stopped once she had enough.

"Uh... Let's go. You're drunk. I'm gonna pay for..."

"No no no no... My treat... I'll pway..." she got up, barely able to keep balance, and waddled to the cashier, taking out money to pay. Taeyong quickly grabbed her and helped her pay the right amount, then walked her outside. He pulled her over his back, giving her a piggy back ride.

On the way to her apartment first, Taeyong kept laughing at the non-sensical things Seulgi was saying. It was funny, but cute, and he liked it. She kept pranking him about throwing up on his shoulder, then would rant about some people from her class. Many would find it annoying, but for Taeyong, he loved it.

"Where... Are weeeee..." he chuckled again.

"Your place." he was already keying in her passcode and entered the room. He laid her down on her bed, and tucked her in.

"Waet... Can you... Seng a songg... Sho I slep..." she sat back up, refusing to sleep. Taeyong looks back at her, and laughs at her face. Even without makeup, it looked messed up. He sat next to her, and she laid back again. Taeyong started singing a random song that came to him, petting her head continuously. Her eyes slowly closed, and he smiled once he realised she was fast asleep.

Unable to control himself anymore, he leaned in, and...

Kissed her forehead...


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