Chapter 9

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So I've tried doing a QnA before, it didn't work out.
But, I wanna try again.
Any questions guys???


Six days, and still no news. And both the eldery could do nothing but watch him sit next to his window, head in his arms. He barely ate, left the house, or his room at all. Oksook could no longer watch her son like this. She finally went in, and pulled his head up, then dragging him down stairs, sitting him on the couch. Deokhwa sat opposite to him, while she did next.

"Lee Taeyong, this has gone too far. You can't be staying like this."

"I will. Until I die if I have to, I'll stay like this. What's the point of living for me anymore? Just let me be." he started to tear up, unable to control his grief.

"Listen honey. You love her, and yet you did this. You're always making the wrong decisions." his head shot up at his mother, and Oksook motioned her husband to continue. Taeyong faced him.

"You're mother's right. If you really love her, go, find her, and bring her back. You shouldn't wait for her, but go after her. As soon as possible." he looked up, and saw his car keys hanging in front of his face, in his mother's fingers.

He realised he was wrong. He realised his wrong. He realised, this was all wrong.

Taeyong sprang up, and hugged both his parents before taking his car keys and running out. He drove as fast as he could, to the city. He stopped the car, knowing he had no clue where to start. One idea hit him. He took his phone, and called her number. After several rings, it answered.


"No. I'm... Irene. Are you Taeyong?" he sat up shocked.

"How do you know me? Why do you have her phone? Where's Seulgi?" the person sighed.

"She stays with me... Sometimes. Please help her. I know I'm crazy, but, if there's one thing I know, is that she's even crazier now. I'll send you my address through my phone. Come now, she's still not back. Hurry."

She cut the call, and Taeyong stared at his phone, until a message came. He followed the address sent, and drove. It was far. It took him half an hour to reach. But he did, and he found a small restaurant. Confused, he went in, and was greeted by a older man at the counter.

"Hello. Welcome ReVel Restaurant . I'm Jongin. What would you like?" Taeyong looked at him, but before he could speak, the back door opened.

"Are you... Lee Taeyong?" Taeyong knew this wasn't Irene, but she felt familiar.

"My sister is inside. Come." he nodded before following her. They walked into a room, and he saw Irene, on a wheelchair, with Seulgi's phone.

"Go Wendy." the younger girl nodded before closing the door behind as she left. Taeyong sat across Irene, who first passed him the phone.

"Where is she?" Irene looked up.

"Out. She'll be back by... Three, in the morning." Taeyong furrowed his eyebrows.

"She's... Working as a... She goes on dates, for money." Taeyong dropped the phone as he shot up, eyes widened.

"Please calm down. I need your help. I can't stop her. She hasn't gone too far yet, but please. Stop her. She goes to _________ Club at ten. Go there, and take her back. I'm crazy because I lost myself to an a******. But, I'm fine enough, to stop her from doing the same." she teared up, and Taeyong thanked her continuously before running out the door.

She goes to the club at ten. And now it's eight.

He drove there, and waited for two hours, not letting sleep or hunger take over, because this was more important to him. And, just like what Irene had said, he saw her across the road from the club, dressed up.

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