Chapter 26

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"Seulgi..." Taeyong called her softly, waving a hand in front of her face. The doctor put the bandage away, and replaced a different pair sunglasses on her.

"Let her wear these for the next twelve hours, and keep her in a dark room as well." he instructed. Taeyong nodded and bowed politely, thanking him, then turning back to Seulgi. He watched her, and noticed her hands slowly move up and around in front of her, as if trying to find guidance.

"Yong... Are you still here?"

Taeyong quickly took her hands and kneeled in front of her, holding them to his face.

"I'm here baby. Do you want to go back now?" he asked softly and she nodded. He placed his cap on her, stood back up and held her elbows, helping her to stand and walk along with him to their car. He drove home, stealing glances at her from time to time. While driving, he took one of her hand, that rested on her thigh, in his own and squeezed it gently.

"You'll see baby, just wait a little longer." he reassured her. She smiled a little facing forward and leaned back in her seat, as if looking around outside. The car slowly stopped and she carefully opened the door. She heard Taeyong's open faster, and his feet running.

"Here." he held her hand. "Follow my lead." he stood her up and walked her into their house and up to their bedroom. He sat her on the bed, then walked away, and Seulgi could hear him closing the blinds and such, making sure the whole room was dark. She then felt the bed go down next to her and hands pulling her body down into another, lying on the bed.

"Let's rest." she heard his quiet but deep voice.

"The kids..."

"At Irene's. She'll be taking care of them for today, until you get better."

"Did she have any children yet?" Seulgi suddenly thought of her best friend.

"Irene... no. They checked with a doctor, and she can't have kids. She's not healthy enough for it, but she said she'll still have one later on, even if it's dangerous for her."

"Why? What if... she dies..."

"Have faith in her Seulgi. There's a reason why I used to leave Sarang with her, because she's motherly, and Donghae told me how much she loves kids." Seulgi listened and realised it was true. Irene was a very loving person, even if she thought she was crazy.

Time went by, and Seulgi laid back in Taeyong's embrace listening to music, while Taeyong scrolled through his phone to pass time. Time seemed slow like that, and they were both getting bored.

"Yong, I'm hungry." she said breaking the deafening silence.

"Let's go eat, I'll cook." he replied. They went down and he sat her at the dining table and proceeded to the kitchen to start his dish.

After hearing a lot of hustle and bustle around the room, Seulgi finally smelled what was being cooked, and smiled widely.

"Sujebi!" she squealed.
(sujebi is the octopus soup dish Taeyong made in Food Diary)

Taeyong laughed at her excitement, and was soon done cooking his dish from scratch. He plated the food and placed the first bowl in front of Seulgi. He sat next to her and started to feed her. Seulgi ate whole heartedly, making sounds of satisfaction at how delicious it was. Taeyong smiled when seeing her happy.

"After this, you can go back to our room and rest. I have some work to do so I'll be in my office room. It's right next to ours, so just call if you need me, OK?"

Seulgi nodded and continued eating her food. Once done, he helped her back to their room and left to his office. Seulgi sat on the bed, waiting for another six hours before she could finally have some light back in her life.

Somehow, time went by quickly as Seulgi fell asleep, while Taeyong became absorbed into his work. He got up once he heard the door bell ring, and went down to open the door.

"Oh. Hi Irene."

"Hey. I want to see Seulgi. And here are the kids." Sarang and Yoogeun appeared from behind looking tired. He smiled and took everyone upstairs, leaving the kids in bed to sleep. He then took Irene to their room, only to find Seulgi asleep. He went in first and shook her lightly.

"Baby... Wake up..." he cooed in her ear softly. Seulgi mumbled and turned to him, suddenly gasping out loud. "What? What's wrong?"

"Yong... I can see you." she said grasping his face. "I can see again!" she jumped up in excitement and into his arms.

"I'm so happy for you baby! Look, Irene's here." Taeyong pointed out, and Seulgi broke the hug into her friend's arms instead.

"Irene! I've missed you so much!"

"Me too Seulgi. Don't leave like that again. Please." she said hugging her friend back. They released and Seulgi finally got a good view of Irene and Taeyong's faces, which brought her to tears. She ran out to the children's room and was finally able to see what her children look like after so many days. She fell to her knees next to the bed and kissed both their foreheads, combing their hair back.

"Seulgi," she turned to Irene, "I have to go. I'll come and see you again some day." she said before leaving. Seulgi and Taeyong bid her, then went up to their own room, where she couldn't stop looking around at everything.

Taeyong came and sat beside her, watching as she observed all corners of the room, as if looking for anything that changed in here. He smiled and held her hand, and pushed her head towards him, smashing his lips onto hers. Seulgi froze at his sudden action, and her eyes stayed wide open, until he finally pulled away and smiled.

"You have no idea how long I've waited for this baby. I couldn't do it even when you came back because you wouldn't be able to see it."

Seulgi gazed at him, and, to his surprise, leaped in for another kiss, her hands already locked around his neck. He held her waist, holding her up to his lap, until he fell backwards onto the bed, Seulgi on top of Taeyong. But not for long. Taeyong flipped them over and kissed her more gently, showering her face with feather light kisses, causing her to smile.

"I knew you were always the source of my smile." she whispered.

"And I'd like it to stay that way." he whispered back, kissing her ear. "Also, I wouldn't mind getting Sarang another sibling right no..."

"Lee Taeyong!" she scolded before he finished his sentence. He looked at her and chuckled, Seulgi hitting his shoulders playfully. But she suddenly grabbed his collar and pulled him down, kissing him again. They pulled apart and flipped over again, and her head remained on his chest as he stroked her hair while she drew randomly on his arm with her finger.

"Yong," she suddenly called softly, "You know I can't stay for long."

"No baby. I'm not letting you go again. Stop trying to be overly independent. I'm here, so let me help you. It's my duty, and you're my priority. Stop being so stubborn."

"Taeyong, I just don't want any of you to be hurt. She threatened me, back then, that she would hurt Sarang. Please, let me go, and I promise I'll come back once I've cleared everything off." she said, her voice shaking.

"Alright, how about this? You can stay away, and I'll send you the money. That way you can pay back your mum and come home quickly."

"Yong... That's..."

"It's perfect." he cut her off. "How much do you have left to pay?"

"One thousand five hundred."

"OK. I'll give you five hundred every three days, so you'll be done with it quickly." he kissed the top of her head and laid her beside him her head on his arm, and snuggled closer.

"For now, let's sleep. I'll let you go day after tomorrow, and I'll explain to the kids somehow. But remember, you can't let go of us. We need you, so don't you dare cut connections again." he said seriously. Seulgi nodded against his chest and hugged his body, both of them soon drifting off to sleep.


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