Chapter 6

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NCT Psycho FF Out! - "Choices..."
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They walk into the campus hand in hand, laughing together. Once it was time to part, Taeyong frowned, not wanting to let go.

"Come on Yong. We've been together for four months, and you're still like this. I'll see you after classes anyway..."

"Says the girl who took one of my shirts!" he spoke so loud that Seulgi slapped his mouth shut, earning looks from people around them, some snickering. She glared at him, seeing him laugh behind her hand.

"You crazy! Shut up! You can't say that out loud stupid!" she hit his shoulder with her purse before walking away, Taeyong still laughing at her. He ran up behind her, holding her close.

"Well it's true. You have my shirt..." she shut his mouth again.

"Fine. I'll give it back. Happy?" she said angrily. Though they never stayed together, she liked having his scent near her, because it helped her feel as if he's there protecting her, especially after what had happened.

"No. Keep it. I like that you sleep with it. Shows you love me." he winked, and Seulgi rolled her eyes grunting. They parted ways and head to their own classes.


Seulgi woke up and answered her never ending ringing phone.

"Yong~...Wha~t?" she spoke sleepily, hearing a chuckle from the other side.

"Wake up. I'm taking you out today. To the beach!" she heard him cheer and sat up.


"I'll give you an hour. Hurry hurry!" she grunted before cutting the call and getting up. She washed up and changed into something for the beach, then wore a button up shirt over it, and packed some extra clothes into her bag, and food. She was done in an hour, and Taeyong was calling her again. She ran down amd jumped into the car.

"Let's go!" Taeyong cheered, excited for their trip.

Once they reached, Taeyong ran towards the sea, while Seulgi first laid down a blanket and their things under a tree for shade

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Once they reached, Taeyong ran towards the sea, while Seulgi first laid down a blanket and their things under a tree for shade. She unbuttoned the shirt, and followed him into the water. She splashed water at his face laughing, but Taeyong only stared at her.

"That's too revealing!" he said pointing at her clothes.

"We're at a beach stupid! What am I supposed to wear then? A winter coat?" she huffed crossing her arms, turning away from him. He walked up behind, and hugged her waist, kissing her cheek.

"Sorry baby... I don't like others looking at you. You're too... Attractive." he snickered, pecking in her hair. Seulgi sighed.

"Fine... Let's just... PLAY!" and she splashed water into his face, making Taeyong trip into the water.

"Seulgi! You're gonna get it!" he ran after her as she ran away in the water. But he caught up, and grabbed her hand, holding her close to his body, then jumping into the water together. Seulgi came out first, gasping for air, followed by Taeyong, who laughed.

They spent the rest of the day together at the beach, eating, napping, then more lovey fun. It became evening, and they decided to change and go back. Both showered in the public showers there, and drove back to the city.

Taeyong looked over while driving, and noticed Seulgi really tired, half asleep. He smiled, and turned back to the road. He stopped the car, and the jerk woke her up. She looked out confused.

"Where is this?"

"We're having dinner. I'm hungry." she nodded, and left the car. They entered the restaurant, and quickly sat to eat. Tired, not much was exchanged between them except a few spoons of food.

Seulgi noticed how worn out Taeyong was, adding to that he still had to drive. They left the restaurant, and went to her place. Before getting out of the car, she grabbed his hand.

"Come and take rest first. You're tired. Sleep a little, then go." Taeyong's eyes widened. He's never stayed over at her room. Except when the stalker was here, they've never spent a night in the same place.

But he listened, because he knew she was right. If he drove home in this state, he might have caused an accident. They went into her room, and Taeyong fell onto her bed as soon as he entered.

"Yong! Get off! You need to change first." she said passing him the shirt she kept. He grunted, but started to change.

"No! Not here! Go to the toilet!" Seulgi yelled closing her eyes, making him laugh. He pulled his shirt back down and walked to the toilet, stopping on the way.

"But... You'll see someday anyways..."

"LEE TAEYONG!" she threw a pillow at him, and he laughed as he entered the toilet. Once he changed and washed up, Seulgi already changed into a dress shirt, and was taking a nap. He pulled out the extra mattress from before, layed down on it, and closed his eyes.

After an hour, he woke up at a sudden touch, and saw Seulgi touching his face, as if studying it. He smiled at her as he turned to his side and brushed her hair back. They stared at each other for a while, feeling each other's features, before Taeyong got up, ready to leave.

Seulgi followed in suit, until they reached the door. But she grabbed his hand, turning him around. She leaned forward to kiss him, her hands circling around his neck. Taeyong's snaked around her waist as their faces moved closer, and they kissed. They moved, Seulgi's back hitting the wall as they pulled each other closer.

They pulled away, foreheads still pressed together as they both stared down. Seulgi's eyes darted up to Taeyong, and she stared at him, waiting for something to happen.

But, nothing did...


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