Chapter 19

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^ Guess who?^

(yes i know a newly born doesn't look like that. it's just for character purpose)


"OK Mrs. You can go home today, and your baby too." the nurse spoke to Seulgi while handing Sarang over to Taeyong.

"Thank you." he said, smiling at the baby as he cradled her. Seulgi smiled at him, then continued packing her things to go home.

"Why did you request for a leave already?" he asked placing Sarang into the carrier bed.

"I just didn't feel comfortable here. I felt like someone was watching me." she huffed. Taeyong simply listened nodding, and they went out of the ward, and back home.

They entered their house, and Taeyong found his parents had prepared a small party for them.

"Where's my Sarang? Ah! Give her to me." Oksook cheered as she took the baby from Seulgi's arms, and sat on the couch with her, making faces at the baby.

"Could you ever have imagined," Deokhwa spoke, "that all Taeyong did was kidnap a girl, and now the house is the happiest it's ever been for a long time." they knew what he meant, and knew that he meant well.

The past is in the past, and now they have moved on into becoming a happy family.


Two months passed, and Seulgi returned to work, being first pelted with thousands of questions.

"Where's the baby?"

"Boy or girl?"

"Who does it take after?" and so on.

"Wait," a louder voice spoke, and everyone turned to Krystal. "so, who's your husband? Is it the President's son?"

"Krystal, we've already talked about it. They married after she joined and..."

"But they dated before, right? I saw you, so you can't lie to me. Did you use him to get in here? Someone like you, you obviously did." she said glaring like she could burn holes into Seulgi's head.

Seulgi ignored her and went back to work, while the others slowly scattered away.

"Well Ms Seulgi. Tell us, you used him, didn't you? Some cheap s*** girlfriend you are..."

"Krystal they're married." the lady next to her cut her off. "And I don't think it's any of your busi..."

"It is!" she yelled. "This b**** cheated! She doesn't deserve to be here! She used him!"

"Krystal Jung, please report to the President's Office immediately!" a voice spoke through the speakers, and Krystal froze. She crashed her chair into the table, and stormed out, up to Oksook's office. Seulgi finally breathed out, and laid her head down.

"Seulgi," she looked up and saw one of her teammates, Hyoyeon. "Are you OK? Sorry about that. We actually had a talk amongst us while you were gone, and found out from him and the president that you two were batch mates in highschool, then you went to the same university, and dated for a year before you married. Is that right?" she nodded.

"So... Can I ask, how did you really get in here?" another lady, Sooyoung, asked her.

"Actually, he was the one who applied for me. I just wanted to work as a designer, that's all. I didn't know this was his family's until a week before I graduated. And he only told me he wanted me work here after I graduated, for... Some reasons. So, I didn't really have a choice." she said in a light tone, looking down.

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