Sarang Special

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na_jae_min Thanks so much for this idea!

na_jae_min Thanks so much for this idea!

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Quick run through their ages.
Sarang (portrayed by Kim Saeron) - 19
Jaemin - 19
Yoogeun (portrayed by Lee Felix) - 15
Seoheun (portrayed by Lee Seola) - 9
Jeno - 9


Leaving the practice room and the building, Sarang knew she should have listened to her parents about staying late at night. But she couldn't help it. Dancing was her passion, and she could only find time at night to keep practice, with all the college assignments and work. As she walked, her phone rang.

"Hey mum." she answered.

"Sarang where are you?" Seulgi asked half scolding. "It's getting late, and you're dad's getting angry. You know how he feels with you staying out. He might stop you from dancing." she reminded her daughter.

"I'm on my way mum. Sorry. Don't worry, I'll be fine." she reassured her mother before cutting the call, and continued to walk on, passing by several people. A certain group of men caught her eye, and she straight away knew to avoid them. She kept her eyes in front, and walked across them, clutching her bag hard. But she knew it was too late, when her bag felt heavier, and she felt her legs stuck, and a human wall in front of her.

"Pretty, aren't you?" she heard a hoarse voice, and could smell alcohol. "Let's see a little more." a hand went nearer to her face and she flinched, causing the others to laugh.

"Hey! Leave her alone, or I'll call the police!"

Like a knight in shining armour, Sarang looked up to see a young man, looking around her age, pointing a tazer towards the drunkard in front of her. And, ironically, his white shirt shined against the street lights, like an angel. The men around her released, and she saw their feet disappear. Feeling relieved, she let out the breath she had held in, and fell to her knees crouched into a small ball.

"Hey," she looked up to see him in front of her, "you OK?" he asked in concern. Sarang smiled back, accepting his hand as he helped her stand.

"Thank you for that." she bowed.

"No problem." he smiled, helping her fix herself. "You should be more careful. Don't walk around alone at night."

"Yea..." she mumbled, remembering her father's words. She looked back up at him. "Are you new here? I've never really seen you around." she stated.

"Yes actually. I just moved in with my uncle to study here. I'm Jaemin by the way." he introduced himself, putting his hand out. Sarang smiled and took it, shaking hands.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Sarang."

"Ooh." he exclaimed. "That's a cute name. Well, I got to go. See you around." he said waving. Sarang blushed a little, and returned his good bye.

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