Chapter 24

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"Daddy! Daddy wake up! I have school!"

Taeyong woke up to his usual alarm blaring in his ears, and squinted looking at the clock, which automatically woke his senses.

"Oh crap!" he yelled jumping up. "Sorry honey, I was tired. You get ready and go down. I'll come and get your breakfast ready." he ran out of bed and into the toilet. He quickly took a shower, brushed his teeth, got dressed, and ran downstairs, grabbing his bag on the way. He made Sarang's breakfast in a flash, as expected from a good chef.

Sarang came running down and sat at the table, eating her breakfast while Taeyong prepared his own in a lunch box. They soon left, and he first dropped Sarang off to elementary school, then drove off to his office. He sat and opened his breakfast, eating it slowly, unable to feel happy.

Losing. He thought he wouldn't anymore. But he did, and he lost two people at once. Now he only hopes Sarang won't go. He's given up on his mother, but Sarang is his only happiness now, and he can't afford to lose her, like how he lost her mother.

"Seulgi!" he screamed and caught her before she fell, off the balcony. Her eyes were lifeless, and she was still in her night gown. He grabbed her shoulders and tried shaking her, when tears suddenly left her eyes.

"Yong, I'm sorry. I was... I, think I was sleep walking. I..." he cut her off by pulling her into a hug, stroking her hair.

"It's alright. At least you're safe now. Come on. Let's go back to bed." he helped her walk back to bed, and slept not forgetting he almost lost his wife.

But, it wasn't the end.

Only a few days had gone by, and he woke up to an empty bed. He looked around, calling her name several times. He started running around the house, especially once he found her stuff missing. He ended up in Sarang's room, and found her phone, left with a note.

I'm sorry Taeyong, but I can't let you get hurt. Please don't worry about me. I'll be fine. Tell Sarang I love her, and I'll be back someday. I love you.

Taeyong's grip on her phone tightened until the screen cracked, leaving deep cuts and blood going down his hand. He threw the phone, smashing it on the wall, and screamed. Sarang had just turned three two weeks ago, and now her mother is gone.

He fell to the floor, and for days didn't leave his room, not even the bed, as he mourned over losing again. He lost thrice. He hated the number three.

And soon he hated four.

As if losing his wife wasn't bad enough, Deokhwa had a stroke hearing Seulgi's disappearance. Two weeks of coma, and then, he's gone.

Taeyong locked himself and Sarang in his room, and Oksook didn't even care. She went back to France, and moved on with her life, relieved she wouldn't have to see Haesook ever again.

If it wasn't for Taeyong's cousin, both he and Sarang would have gone insane. Jaehyun moved in for a few days, and helped him come out of his depression. Slowly Taeyong got better, but his depression didn't. He was only happy when Sarang was around, wanting her to have the best life, even without Seulgi.

Irene came too, taking care of Sarang whenever she could. She would even keep her with them for sleepovers. To her, Sarang was like her own daughter, and took care of her, promising Seulgi in her heart that she would grow up a wonderful child. Because only she knew what really happened, even if she lost Seulgi too.

Days went by, and Sarang was now a pure hearted young girl, who showed no sign of hurt, though she always wondered what happened to her mother. But she knew her father was hurting inside, and wanted him to always be happy, like he used to. And she knew, deep down inside her, that her mother had promised her she'd return, the night she left. The three year old was smart enough to remember the last time she heard her mother's whisper.

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