Chapter 8

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"Kang Seulgi." applauds were heard as she made way up the stage, trying to hide her nervous face. She bowed, received her certificate, and walked off, running to the back of the audience, into his arms.

"What's wrong?" he chuckled. "Too nervous?" she nodded, her face dug into his chest. He kissed the top of her head, and they went back to sit. A while later, everyone was outside taking photos and talking to each other.

Seulgi looked around, a little dissapointed that her mother couldn't make it. But she was also relieved, because she knew better. She hugged a few batch mates and bid them good bye, when she saw Taeyong suddenly run to her, with something in his hands.

"Here. I got you a... Polaroid!" he took out a camera from the bag and gave it to her. She gasped, and jumped hugging him.

"Yong! Oh my gosh! Why? You shouldn't have!" he laughed as he twirled carrying her up.

"Anything for my Seulgi! I want us to make amazing memories and for you to save them. Here. Let's take one now!" he put her down and they pecked each other's lips before taking their first picture together with the camera. They took the polaroid, and Seulgi kissed his cheek once more when looking at the photo.

"You're the best Yong! I love you!" he smiled pecking her lips again.

"I love you too!" they hugged again, and soon made way to his car, this time, going to Seulgi's home. While driving, Taeyong noticed how tensed she became during their trip. He sighed and took her hand in his, kissing her knuckles.

"What's wrong? Why are you so still?"

"No reason. I'm just... Excited. It's been long." she spoke really softly, but he gave her a reassuring smile. After a long drive, they reached her house, and Seulgi saw her mother sitting outside. They got out, and he helped her take her luggage out.

"Thanks Yong. I'll miss you." they hugged.

"Me too. Come back quick for your job. I'll be waiting. I'll also see you in the weekends, right?" she nodded before they kissed once more, and she made way to her house. Taeyong got in his car and drove for only ten seconds, before he knew he had to turn back, after seeing the side mirror. He quickly parked his car on the opposite road, and opened the door, and heard what was being said.

"YOU B****! GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE! YOU'RE A DISGRACE! IF THIS IS HOW YOU WERE, I WISH YOU WEREN'T BORN! GET OUT!" a suitcase flew across the front yard, towards the gate, and so did a person.

"Seulgi! Are you OK?" he ran up to her and held her, but she pushed him away. The woman stopped for a while, eyeing him.

"Who are you?"

"I... Um... Her friend..."

"My boyfriend." a hard slap right across her face.

"I didn't pay for you to go there to flirt and sleep around with men you b****! You disgusting piece of s***! Get out! Get lost!" she went back inside and slammed the door shut. Taeyong stood around lost, until he heard weeps. He quickly looked to the floor, and bent down.

"Seulgi. Look at me. Baby..." he held her face, trying to push it up, but she kept resisting. He hugged her instead, stroking her head while kissing it while she started to cry into his chest.

"Yong... Just go... Leave..."

"What are you saying?"

"I... Have nothing. You deserve better Yong... Please just... Leave me..." she was stopped with a kiss.

"No. You're mine. I've told you before. You belong only to me. I'm taking you with me. Get up. Let's go." he held her under her arms and forced her up. He pulled her to his car, and pushed her inside. He then took her suitcase into the trunk, and drove off. Seulgi kept quiet the whole time, and he could hear her sniffling. The car finally came to a stop, and she looked outside, eyes widened.

"Yong... Your... House?" before she could process, he pulled her out, and took her inside. A couple sat at the dining table, doing some paper work, and both looked up at the sound of them coming in.

"Taeyong? Oh. Who's this?" the elderly lady came in front of them.

"My girlfriend. Seulgi." Seulgi stood straight then bowed to greet them. The woman looked at her as her husband came in front.

"Hello. My name is Seulgi. Nice... To meet you..."

"What happened to your face?" the man said pointing at her right cheek, where there was a red mark. She quickly covered it, but Taeyong took her hand.

"Mum, dad. I love her. More than anything." the two of them simply nodded, indicating that they accept her.

"And, I want her to live with me from now on. Here." Seulgi's head shot up at him, while his parents stood bewildered, waiting for an explanation.

"Her mother threw her out, because of me..."

"She's pregnant!?!" Seulgi quickly shook her head and waved her hands.

"No mum! Because... Of me. We've been together for over a year, and... Her mother hates her now. Not only because of me, but... I don't really care right now. I love her, and she's going to stay..."

"LEE TAEYONG!" her voice finally overpowered them. "No! I'm not! Stop this!" she was about to walk out, but he grabbed her arm.

"Why Seulgi? What's wrong?"

"Stop taking pity on me! I hate it! You're treating me like a homeless person! I'm not shameless Taeyong! I'm not doing this!" she yelled as she left the house. Taeyong stood speechless, looking at his parents, then at the door. Hearing the car trunk open, he ran out, and saw a taxi.

"KANG SEULGI! IF YOU PUT ONE FOOT IN THAT THING, WE... NEVER EXISTED!" he yelled, choking on his words. Seulgi stopped moving only for a while, swallowing a lump in her throat, then moved, into the taxi. It drove off, and Taeyong watched, before he fell to the floor, and screamed.



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