Chapter One

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The beginning

I'm so sorry that whoever read this or started to read and said this was horrible. I'm sorry. I will be redoing everything and fixing the mistakes. I will be doing 4 chapters weekly hopefully. Bear with me, I have a one year old and I'm a stay home mom. So, the only time I have free is when my son goes to bed and sleep, or naps but I'm mostly cleaning during the day.

As I walked along the five-hundred-foot-tall wall beside me. I thought that this is the end for us and we have to survive no matter what. Everyone thought the world would crash, but instead came zombies.. They come out during the day and seem to leave the animals alone.

My name is Rose, I'm 20 years old and its only me and my grandma. It's now been 2 years since my parents died from bites as they were coming home from shopping for my birthday. My grandma had a call as she hurried and got me inside her car and drove to the closet military base. She served in the army when she was younger and still had connections with some of the sergeants.

I got closer to my house as I started walking up the steps. When I walked in, I heard my grandma getting the guns ready for the night . I walked upstairs to change my cloths into jeans and a tank top. I put on my homemade armor , it's not much just some old football gear we found at a he local high school, but it helps if the zombies get inside the walls.they aren't fast but they sure are strong.

As I walked downstairs with my knives and grenades, I spotted the guns on the table to choose from. I picked up a pistol and machine gun to satisfy my grandma. God forbid I don't take more guns with me in case.  

We walked down to the basement to the cots and made sure the door was bolted shut and windows were still blocked by the bars and covered. The sun began to fade and that's when you can hear all the screaming and groining. I was the first to stay up while my grandma slept in her cot.


I couldn't sleep, it's been 5 hours since I switched with my grandma but I couldn't do it. The screams from around the groaning was too loud for me to try and get some sleep. I looked at my watch to see that it was nearing sunrise and couldn't wait to stretch my legs out.

As the sun began to peak thru the cracks on some of the windows, we began to get up slowly.

"When's the last time you drank grandma?" I asked when I noticed we only had two more bags of blood.

" About two days ago but I'm fine for now. I'll take a bag tonight, I need some sleep." she said over her shoulder. She walked up the stairs and started to head for her room.

"I'll go over to the hospital and get more blood bags after my shift okay?" I said before she got all the way up. She nodded her response. I walked out of the house and went over to the hospital three houses down.

We were lucky to find this place, it had everything we needed so far as fields to grow, a military base, houses for survivors to live, a store that had cloths, we stock up on it as we do with the hospital. I take shifts here and draw blood in case anyone has bled out or needed blood. Like my grandma that needed it because she is a vampire. My parents weren't though. My mom chose to be with my dad instead of being a vampire because you can't reproduce, I guess. My grandma won't tell me how she became a vampire but once I turn eighteen I can, if I choose.


After my shift was done I walked into the blood bank to get ten bags for my grandma. I stuffed them in my bag and got changed into my regular cloths. 

I walked out to go over to the military base and see if they had anything from the radios. We sometimes have search partys to go see for survivors or food and some supplies that would help out.

"Hey Paul, you got any hits off the radio?" I asked Paul from the desk.

"sadly, no but they should be checking in to see if they will be staying somewhere or be able to come before dark." he said looking at me sadly. I know I shouldn't keep my hopes up for my boyfriend back then. He was my first love and I have this feeling he is alive and I can't give up.

"it's okay, one day I know it." I said as I walked away to go to my house finally.

I saw grandma standing by the stove making some mac n cheese for me. I go down to the basement to put the blood in the fridge and bring one up for her.

" how is everything at the hospital?" she asked looking over her shoulder to look at me.

"it was okay just a few stiches here and there and got some blood done." I said making a plate for me once she was done.

"anything at the station?" she asked and I just shook my head since I was scarfing down my food.

"I know you think Lance is still out there but it's been two years. Don't you think that you should give up and start moving forward?" she grabs my hand as she says this and it makes it just worse. I couldn't give up on Lance, we were best friends since we were six and then when high school hit we realized that we wanted to be more than friends. Due to me getting jealous over his first girlfriend.

"I love him and I know he is out there and will find his way to me." I said.

I got up to wash my dish and started to go upstairs to sleep for a couple hours before dark came.

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