Chapter eight

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There is sexual content on this chapter you have been warned.

Its been hell of a week and we were finally going home. As we headed to the gate to check in. we came thru. Going to the base first to drop off some of the items and the body. I made my way to the hospital with the other items. I parked near the entrance and honked my horn to get some of my coworkers to come out and help. Getting some suitcases out the back. We put them in the storage to be organize later. After we emptied the car I went to the base to drop off the car.

I started to walk home slowly. I didn't know if things changed for good or bad for me and Lance. I was nervous to find out. But I couldn't wait to see him again. Grandma greeted me at the door and I could smell something amazing in the kitchen being cooked.

"welcome back honey, I'm so glad you're here. Lance has been a pain in my ass." she whispered the last part and all I could do was laugh at her. We went to the kitchen to find Lance cooking up a storm and a cake on the counter. Looking confused at the cake, I looked at grandma only to see her go up the stairs. Going to sit at the bar and waiting for Lance to notice me.

"So what's with the cake?" I asked, I noticed I scared him a little and he about dropped the pan. He was making mashed potatoes and roast it looked like. He looks at me confused.

"Um the fact that it's your birthday..." He said coming near me. I thought for a bit and couldn't believe that I forgot my birthday. I been busy with thinking about the search and Lance I just forgot the day of the week.

"Oh I totally forgot. You didn't have to do this though." I said as I motioned to the cake and dinner. He brushed me off as he set the table.

"It's no problem, besides I know how much you love my cooking." he said smirking. I shook my head and started to grab a plate. Grandma came in a little bit after. We all sat down and started to eat in peace.

"So how was everything?" Grandma asked as she scooped up another serving, even though she was a vampire she could still eat but it barely did anything except keep her full for a little bit.

"Everything went to according as planned. Ran into some zombies and I even killed one on the first day when me and a couple guys searched the hospital. Took the body to the scientist and hopefully they can get some lab work done." I said as I finish some of my mash potatoes.

"I'm glad. I'll be going over tomorrow to check on them and everything else. You can take the week off from the hospital since you were on duty." she said. Lance got up and started to get the cake ready. He came out and started to sing happy birthday to me and my grandma joined. I lone tear escape my eye and I couldn't be anymore happy. I had grandma with me and Lance. Even though we were on a rough patch in the beginning he was always there for me. I blew out my candle and wishing that things will change for the better.

After we had cake I walked up to my room to shower. Once I was done, I put the towel around me and walked into my room. I stopped when I noticed Lance on my bed. I walked into my closet to change into a pair of shorts and tank top. Forgetting the undergarments, I didn't think anything about it. But once I stepped out I noticed Lance looking at with lust. Ignoring it and going over to the bed and sitting beside him I decided to break the tension.

" So what have I missed?" I asked hoping it would distract him from my breast.

"Um, well the doctor said my cast could come off in about two weeks. And Jules went on a date with a guy named Tyler." He studied me to see my reaction and I didn't know what to feel. Shock, relief, or even happiness.

"I'm glad she found someone. How do you feel about it?" I asked wanting to know if he really didn't have feelings for her anymore.

"Really I'm really happy that she's moved on and wont be following me like a lost puppy. I saw her at the store when I was getting things for your birthday dinner." He reached for my hand and I couldn't be happier. Maybe my wish was coming true.

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