Chapter six

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As I walked into the house after my long shift. I smelled the most amazing thing coming from the kitchen. I walked in to see Lance with a pan that had lasagna and garlic bread on the dinning table that was already done.

"Hey so I made dinner as a thank you for letting me stay here." he said setting the lasagna down on the table that was set already. I sat at the table and waited for him to sit next to me.

"Thank you for making me dinner it smells delouse. I cant even remember when's the last time I had your amazing cooking." I said as I made a plate and pilled up with food. I began to take a bite and moaned as the flavor hit my tongue.

"Good as you remember?" he asked as he sat down staring at me. I blushed when I realized I moaned in front of him not meaning to. I looked down to my plate and nodded as I didn't trust my voice.

"I think we should talk about us Rose. I'm sorry I hurt you by moving on but I thought you were dead. There wasn't a second I stopped thinking about you." he said looking at me. I couldn't help to get angry at him for saying that. How could he think of me every second if he moved on with Jules.

"Then you thought of me when you became boyfriend and girlfriend to Jules. Or when you fucked her to?" I yelled losing my appetite. Shoving the plate away I crossed my arms waiting for him to response. Fuck letting him off the hook easy, I didn't move on like he did.

"Rose I said I was sorry okay. What me and Jules had is in the past. I never loved her and I never said I loved her to her." he said as he moved his plate away as well.

" So you were using her for sex." I said and that's when I got up to go to my room. As I make it to the stairs he follows me. He grabs my wrist to stop me from reaching the top.

"Fuck Rose I'm sorry I didn't mean for it to come out like that. I just want to forget about everything besides what we had.. Have still. I want to be with you until my last breath and protect you. You remember what we said to each other when I was taking you to our first date?" he asked looking at me with so much love. I couldn't look at him I didn't want to lose the anger.

"I said I loved you and you told me I was crazy to love you when it was our first date. But I loved you the first time I laid eyes on you." he said as he wrapped his hands around my waist and inched closer. I had to forgive him but I couldn't I was scared that after these years things changed to much for us.

"I need time Lance. I don't want to jump into this when you just broke up with Jules and she's planning my death as we speak." I laughed at the part and so did Lance.

"I'll wait as long as you want to but I will be here for you no matter what." he said looking in my eyes then to my lips. I had to get away before it got to serious and I gave in to my desire. I was hot and bothered by him. Hes grown and became a man that I love no matter what. Hes right the past is in the past and he will be with me no matter what.

I unwrapped his arms and gave him a peck on the cheek and walked up to my room to get in my pjs and go to bed.


I woke up to a start and looked around me until I realized Lance was beside me with a sad smile.

"I'm sorry if I woke you, but um I cant sleep. Do you mind if I stayed with you? I promise only sleep and cuddles." he said playing with his hands as it looked like he was nervous I would reject him. I lifted up the blanket to let him slide in next to me. As I went to the left side near the wall to give us space. I see him getting comfy on his side to face me. He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me close to him.

"I thought we were just sleeping and cuddling?" I asked with a hint of a smile. He kissed my forehead and told me to sleep. It was hard at first, since its been so long since I shared a bed with someone or at least him. I snuggled in closer and pushed him to lay on his back so I could put my head on his chest. As I listened to his heartbeat I can hear his breathing become more shallow. He was asleep as I was awake thinking maybe this was a bad idea. I know I wanted him more than anything and have a future but I needed space to think and the fact that Jules would hate me more if she found out we started a relationship after they broke up. I know I shouldn't care what she thinks. He was mine first and always has been. We were each others first for everything really. We made love after being together for a year and it was amazing. He wanted it to be perfect and I'm glad we waited.

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