Chapter Ten

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I walked down to finish dinner while Lance took a shower. As I was putting a bottle of wine in the fridge to chill until our guest arrived. I was setting the table as the door bell rang. Lance came down to greet them as I finished the table.

"Hi Rose, you look stunning." Jules said giving me a hug. It was weird her being nice to me now. I hesitated to give her a hug but she moved on and so should I. leave the past in the past. Maybe we could become friends.

"Thank you, something I got a year ago. Surprised it even fits." I said looking down at the red dress that was mid-thigh and flowed at the bottom. She was wearing a strapless black dress that went mid-thigh to.

"You look great to Jules." I said, Tyler came up beside her giving me a smile.

"Thank you for having us for dinner." Tyler said as he kissed my cheek. And pulled out a chair for Jules. I was happy for them, I'm glad Jules found someone and wouldn't be going for Lance anymore. Lance took a seat beside me after he got the wine and started to pour glasses for everyone. We were going to need it, or I was truthfully. I was nervous, can't blame me.

"So, how are you liking it around here Jules?" I asked, as I scooped up some mash potatoes on my plate. Handing them over to Lance to fill his plate next. I grabbed the peas from Tyler and waited for the chicken to be passes.

"It's great actually. I work at the store now and I'm really liking it. I'm so glad we don't have to deal with money anymore or it would be more of a handful." I nodded in agreement. We are lucky we don't have to deal with money process, what was the point it didn't matter now.

"So, I hear that you grandma is going over the plans for the walls in other towns. I'm impressed, you think it's possible that we can do it?" Tyler asks, I take a long gulp of wine before answering.

"Yes, she is. I plan to go over the plans tomorrow to see what towns to do and how much supplies, men, and women to work and see how long it will take. Hopefully within a year or two." I say as I eat some food while he finishes his glass. Lance fills it up for him and proceeds to eat quietly.

"So, how did you guys meet?" I asked Jules, getting off the topic.

"Well he was looking for some tools to work on a vehicle. Then the next day he came with some flowers and asked me out and wouldn't take no for an answer. So, we went out a couple times and then became official." She said holding Tyler's hand. They were looking at each other with so much love, I wondered if that's what me and Lance looked like.

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