Chapter Four

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I walked into the hospital changing rooms and started to change into my scrubs. Ask I got my schedule for who will be on my check list and what ill be doing when I'm done with that I head towards Lance's room.

"so you are my first patent tod.." I trailed off as I noticed a girl in the room sitting on Lances lap and having her tongue down his throat. They didn't seem to hear me come in and I cleared my throat. As they scrambled away I noticed Lance look guilty.

I checked his iv and noticed that it needed to be removed and placed in again. I walked over to the gloves and started to work on his iv.

"so when can he get checked out?" the girl asked and I looked at my board beside me to check.

"in a couple days. Want to make sure the swelling goes down and his charts are better." I said looking up at him. He looked away but I could see that he was feeling regret.

"okay. So babe I found the perfect house for us to stay in and we can move in once you get out of the hospital." she said all to excited if you ask me. I checked the monitor and left to go to my next patient.


The day was finally over and I was ready to go home and be in bed. The wall was built and finished so we didn't have to worry about going to the basement anymore. I walked inside and made myself a salad and started to head to my room to eat.

Grandma knocked on my door. I know she knows somethings wrong with me since I barely eat in my bedroom. She walked over to the bed and waited for me to start.

" He found someone else I guess. While I waited here for him and he moved on." I said starting to feel the tears come again. I cried in the locker room after leaving his room. I saw the girl again and she was getting them lunch. She was pretty, she had brown hair a body that was like a model and brown eyes. I hated being jealous but I couldn't help myself, I waited for him and he broke my heart.

"He will realize that he made a mistake and come for you. I know it, he loved you dearly back then and I know you did to. But he will realize that he made the wrong choice by moving on." she said taking my face and wiping the tears away. I nodded and finished my salad.

She took the bowel away and started to get ready for bed as well. She gave me a pistol in case and my knives were beside me and one under the pillow. As I drifted off to sleep I wondered if I could move on now or would he still want me? Probably not since he has that girl. I drifted off to sleep after about one a.m.


As I woke and started to get in the shower. I realized didn't have a shift today and I could go to the gym. I walked into my closet with my towel around me and started look for yoga pants and a crop top. Once I was dressed and went downstairs to see grandma making eggs with toast, I went to the fridge to get a bottle of water.

"No shift today?" she said setting the plate in front of me. I shook my head while I got my blonde hair in a messy bun and started to eat. I set my plate in the sink when I was done and kissed grandma goodbye. I walked to the gym that was inside the military base and got to the treadmills.

I started my music and started to run for awhile. As I was getting bored with that I went to the weights. As I got my weights together I noticed Tyler make his way to me.

"hey babe, so heard the boyfriend actually made it but not alone." he said smirking and all I wanted to do was punch the fucker in the face.

"Yea so what? Doesn't mean ill go on a date with you Tyler. Never going to happen EVER." I said and turned towards the bench press. He chuckled and started to help me with the weight.

"Princess I just wanted to see if you were okay. Wasn't going to ask you out yet.. But I also heard they were getting in a pretty good fight." he said looking at me and I couldn't tell what his goal was here. He was always confusing and I thought he was bipolar. He act like a friend but then act like he wanted to get in my pants.

"Okay? Why does it matter to me?" I ask trying to get a better reading on him. He helped me up as I walked over to the bikes and got on one.

"Well you still love him correct? I'm just trying to be a friend, because I know I don't have a chance anymore since lover boy is back." he said looking down at the ground upset, and it was making me upset I never gave him a chance. Lance moved on why couldn't i? I still loved him and was hard for me I guess.

"I'm sorry Tyler I never gave you a chance. But thank you for telling me." I said and put my headphones back in my ear. He walked off after that and started to get to the weights. I kept thinking what he said about the fight. Could it be over for them or were they arguing about something else? I could see tomorrow on my shift.

I worked out for another hour and started to get into the showers there. As I was finishing up I heard voices a few showers away from me.

"I cant he broke up with me. He said that he didn't love me anymore. I cant believe it. Since we came here hes been more distracted and wont even try talking to me." I'm guessing its Lances girlfriend talking.

"Is there someone else?" one girl asked and I tried to listen more without being noticed.

"I think its that bitch of a doctor. Ever since he went to the hospital to get his arm fixed hes been distance." she said, turned off the water and got the towel wrapped around me and opened the curtain. I heard a gasp from Lances ex- girlfriend. I looked at her and then walked to my locker to get changed.

"So you're the bitch that was Lances girlfriend before all this happened?" she said next to me. I just looked at her and smiled. What else was I suppose to do? She seemed to get angrier by my reaction and guess that's what she wasn't expecting.

"Sure if you say so." I said as I put on my lacy bra and panties. As I grabbed my shirt and pants out I noticed that she was giving me a death glare and probably was planning my death.

"listen here bitch Lance is mine and will always be mine. He will take me back no matter what and some skank like you think can get him back?" she laughed as she said this. When she was done I had my cloths on and had my knife set strapped to me. I took one knife out and started to throw it in the air and smirk at her reaction. She looked so scared of me and was regretting what she had said.

"You know I don't have time for these things with children. But if you want to act like a child I can show you discipline if you like? And maybe show you some manners to." I smirked at her. I pointed to the knife to the door and told them to leave if they didn't want any trouble.

As I walked to my house to see that everything was starting to get locked up for the night I decided to get some work done. I sharpened my knives and cleaned the guns. Grandma was sleeping as I should be but I couldn't. my mind was on Lance. I loved him still but I hated that he moved on to some cunt. I finished up and went to my room to change into fluffy pjs and tank top. As I laid there staring at the wall I thought maybe Lance did want me back but would I give in?

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