Chapter twelve

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I woke up to a pounding headache and needed to get some aspirin right away. I walked to the bathroom to find some and do my business. Once I was done I went back to bed to find Lance hogging the blankets. Going to my closet to get one for myself and getting back in bed. I looked at the clock to see what time it was and was only 3:46 a.m.


I woke up to Lance getting up and going to the bathroom, I walked in to shower while he did his business. After my shower I went downstairs to make some toast and eggs. Knowing Lance he likes his eggs with mushrooms and cheese. Getting the ingredients and chopping up the mushroom for his omelet.

"Morning beautiful." Lance said kissing my cheek. I started on his egg and started the toast. Once they were done I set his plate on the table.

"So, I get my cast off today. Would you like to come with me?" Lance asked scarfing down his food. I finished my plate and went to grab some jam for my toast. I thought what I wanted to do today, I should spend some time with grandma since I haven't really seen much of her.

"I think I'll pass I need to spend time with grandma and see over the plans I guess." I said grabbing the plates and washing them quickly.

"Okay I'll be gone for a while don't wait up for me." He said kissing my cheek. Going to the office in the house to see if grandma was there and seeing that she was I walked in.

"Hey grandma." I said sitting down and looking at the plans she had laid out.

"Hey sweetie finally going to spend time with me?" She asked giving me a teasing smile.

"Sorry I have been busy with Lance it's not fair." I said.

"It's okay, I was your age once upon a time. Can you see how much supplies we would need at the hospital when you go back Monday?" she asked and I nodded. I wanted to ask her about my parents and what really happened to them.

"Hey so, would you tell me again how mom and dad didn't survive? I mean they were vampires weren't they?" I asked writing down a note to remind me later for the hospital.

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