Chapter 15

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Waking up to light streaming thru my curtains. Looking at the time and seeing that it was past noon. Deciding to get up and dress in shorts and a white top. Tucking in my shirt and going down stairs to put on my shoes. I put my hair up and went to the kitchen to get a glass of water, setting my glass in the sink to wash later I left the house. Walking towards Tyler's new place that Jules told me that was by the old church. We were going to tear it down but it had a beauty to it being old and run down.

"Hey sleepyhead, was getting worried about you. Lance was about to head over and see if you were alive." Jules said laughing. She picked up a box and handed it to me to get started.

"Sorry, this past week has been exhausting working late. Lance said I could sleep in and I didn't know how tired I was until now." I said setting the box in the kitchen since it was plates. I looked around seeing so many boxes stacked so high, I was scared if one just fell that they all would to.

"It's okay it's understandable. After we get this done I'll make some sandwiches and wine." Jules said with a wink. Laughing at her and going to get more boxes and seeing where they would go.

Lance and Tyler were upstairs doing the bedrooms and me and Jules downstairs doing the dining room, living room, and the kitchen. There was a bathroom down here to but it was already done. Me and Jules finished the kitchen and put everything away. I noticed a cabinet already stocked with baby supplies and shook my head. Tyler seemed to go over board with everything. Jules said it was just nerves and if him and her had one they be stocked up, but that wouldn't be for awhile.

We were making sandwiches for everyone while the boys were helping Lacey with her bed. Tyler's baby was in her crib taking a nap so we made dinner while we could and eat in peace. Lacey came down and looked at the bottle of wine in longing.

"Lesa will be asleep for another hour, will it be done before?" She asks looking at the sandwiches. Jules told her she could have one if she wanted that we were just waiting on the guys. She snatched two sandwiches and went up to her room to hear Lesa better if she woke up.

"So how is it around here anyway?" I asked Jules hoping I wasn't intruding.

"It's good actually, we set a schedule for all of us between work and taking care of Lesa. Lacey has been sweet and nice to me I'm really glad. Things are working out." She said taking a sip of her wine. Taking the last sip of wine I grabbed a plate and helped myself when the boys came down.

"My back is killing me." Tyler said walking up to Jules to give her a kiss and get a plate.

"Hope not killing you to bad for later." Jules said in his ear and gave him a wink. I shook my head and went to the table.

"Hey sweetie, how are you?" Lance asked, sitting beside me and draping a arm around my shoulders.

"I'm okay, a little tired but fine." I said finishing up my sandwich. We were going to leave after Lance and Tyler finished the living room TV, since Tyler didn't trust us to lift it. Going to kitchen to help Lacey and Jules clean and talk for a bit before we left.

"Lesa will have her check up next week with me and then......" I didn't hear the rest, I had a sick feeling in my stomach and started to head to the restroom. Puking my guts out in the toilet on time thank god. But I felt someone behind me rubbing my back. I lifted my head to see Jules giving me a concerned look.

"You okay?" She asked and before I could answer my head was back in the toilet. Flushing it once I finished she handed me a glass of water and mouth wash.

"Lance is still in the living room you want me to get him?" She asked looking at me.

"I'm fine just the wine I think. I'm a little tired so I'm going to see if Lance is ready." I said as I got out the bathroom with Jules looking at me weird. I passes Lacey and she was looking at me weird to, shrugging it off I asked Lance if he was ready. He seemed to know something was wrong but just told him I was tired.

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