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*one year later*

I woke up to my babies crying and got up to get my robe on and head for their room. I was lucky enough to have one boy and one girl. Marie was crying while her brother was sleeping peacefully. Getting her and going downstairs to put her in the highchair to start breakfast. Getting the eggs and pancake batter out I got everything going. Giving Marie some fruit until breakfast was ready. Flipping the last pancake and getting them buttered, Ashley came down with James my son.

"Heard him getting up so I thought I grab him for you." She said putting him in the high chair next to his sister.

"Thank you." I gave her a plate and gave the twins their food once it was cooled down. Sitting down next to Ashley and eating myself.

Lance came through the door and started to take his shoes off. He walked into the kitchen and started to get his plate ready and kissed the kids before he came and sat down beside me.

"How was last night?" I asked as I got up to get orange juice for all of us. Getting glasses and going to pour each of us a glass I looked up at Lance.

"it was good, walls are all up in the next three towns and tunnels are doing great at holding. Now we don't have to worry." He said after he finished what was in his mouth so he could answer me.

Clearing the plates and getting the children dressed and ready for daycare. I took the stroller out and put them in. Getting the diaper bags ready and making sure I had everything I needed I started to walk out the door.

Walking to the daycare entrance I signed in the kids and kissed them goodbye and headed off to the training. Now that my grandmother has passed I was voted General as you could say. I still help at the hospital sometimes when I can and be home when Lance starts work at night.

It has been a long year with the children growing fast and working on the towns over. But we did it and are starting to work on a cure or to wipe out the zombies for good. If we can't get a cure the only option is to wipe out, but most families that have loved ones turned don't want to do it and try for a cure no matter what. We have a year to figure out a cure.


I know it was short and I'm sorry I really needed to get it done and once I go over to in laws to get internet I will have all these posted. I'm sorry again a lot of things been happening with health and my almost two year old and if you have children you know how this mommy feels.

I will be typing a new book that I'm excited to try and do, just need to think it over and hopefully wont take me long like this one did.

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