Chapter 21

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I woke up to my alarm at nine-thirty and got ready to head to the hospital. Getting toast to eat since I didn't feel like eating that much and promised grandma to have a big lunch when it was my break. Getting to the locker room to change into my scrubs so I wouldn't have to do it after my appointment with Ashley and just get straight to work. I walked into Ashley's office to see if she was ready for me.

Sitting at her desk and going thru some paperwork for the day I cleared my throat to get her attention. "Hey, I didn't realize the time." She said getting up and taking me the examining room to get my weight and blood pressure. Scrunching up my face when she told me I gained eleven pounds this past week was good. I knew I had a little bit of time before I would have to get bigger shirts and pants soon enough. But it could wait about a week she said. The babies were growing strong and healthy when she set up the sonogram. In about three weeks I would be eighteen weeks and then find out the gender if they were good enough and not moving around. I couldn't wait to find out and I would hope Lance would be here with me to find out.

"You doing okay?" She asked and I didn't know if it was a emotional or physical question. I nodded and started to clean up my stomach. Leaving the room and heading to the front desk to look at the board to see where I would be working at. Seeing I was in blood work which was good so I could get some blood for grandma and not sneaking in the room and lying to whoever was in there.


Walking out of the hospital with my bag strapped around me and heading to the door I got stopped by Rachel. "Hey Rose, I needed to speak to you about some shifts that needed to be changed around. Could you come to my office and we can discuss it?" She said. I really shouldn't with this blood and I know grandma would worry something happened if I didn't come home after my shift.

"I'm really tired and my grandma would be waiting for me to help with dinner. Could it wait until tomorrow?" I asked giving her a puppy dog face.

"Yea sure, sorry I forgot your pregnant and with twins! Congrats by the way. Must be really tiring." She said and I nodded in response. Waving goodbye and walking towards my house, I let the air that I was holding out slowly. I walked up to the door and opened it up to the smell of dinner being cooked. Walking to grandma's room to put the blood up and going back downstairs to see what she was making.

"Hey making some steak and potatoes. The steak was just butchered today so they were handing them out when I went to the store." She said setting up the table and putting the food on the plates.

"Smells really good. Thank you." I said putting some salt on and digging in.

"What took you long to get back? Everything okay?" She asked sitting across from me.

"Yeah Rachel stopped me and wanted to talk about some changes in the shift. But I would talk to her tomorrow about it. Didn't want to keep you waiting on me and was really tired today." I said pouring some water into my glass and taking a big gulp.

"Okay, what you think will change?" She asked me and I shrugged my shoulders. I didn't really know and all I wanted to do was sleep and get rid of this heartburn that was starting from the steak.

"I'm going to go to bed." I said taking the rest of my food to put away and go upstairs to get ready for bed. By the time I made it into my pjs I fell asleep when my head hit the pillow.

I know a short chapter. I promise next one will be longer.

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