Chapter 24

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I woke up to my alarm that I set at six thirty to get ready and be at the hospital by seven. I brushed my teeth and started to get my hair in a messy bun. Putting on a tank top and shorts I walked downstairs to see grandma buttering toast for me. Kissing her on the cheek I took the toast and started to head for the front door.

"Please not a lot of stress!" She yelled before I closed the door. I ate my toast on the way and went to the locker room to change into my scrubs.

"Hey, the babies look like they are getting more room." Ashley said coming up beside me and looking at my stomach. I looked down as I pulled my shirt over my head and nodded.

"Yea, I didn't realize how big I am. Guess that's normal when you have a busy day. Are you ready for tonight?" I asked and started to get my coat on.

"Yea. But are you? You know you can't stress a lot with this okay?" She said sitting down and looking at me a little worried.

"Don't worry okay. I only have a couple rooms to do and then I'm getting people to get the supplies ready and I'll be having a two hour break before the team comes." I said fixing my messy bun into a more perfect one so I wouldn't have any fall out during the day.

We both walked out and went our separate ways. I went to my desk and got my clip board and went to Jessica to see if I could get the same people as yesterday to help out since they knew what needed to go where.

After getting the help I stopped at Rachel's office and asked if there was anything else that would need to be done and if she heard anything.

"Hey Rose, I just got message that the team will be here around two instead. They are making great progress." She said. That would mean I wouldn't get my two hour break.

"You will have to have a lunch break instead of the two hour one and you can go around noon. Will that be okay?" She asked and I nodded. If they are coming around two that would be perfect for me. I wouldn't have to be on my feet for long and we could leave around night time when it's all done. Hopefully. Looking at the time I saw it was only eleven thirty and decided to check on the rooms and get everyone up to date when the team would arrive.

Walking down to the cafeteria with Ashley I got in line to get a rib sandwich and then a salad. Ashley grabbed two bottles of water and I grabbed an extra for later. I know I would need it later on if we were going to be busy. We sat down and ate in silence not really knowing what to say. Less than two hours our hands would be full and didn't know what would come out in this. I just hope nothing happened to Lance. I haven't really thought about him in a while and I felt bad. I been so busy that I didn't think if he was okay or not.

After we ate lunch we went to the emergency wing and sat around waiting for the team to come. We had everything prepared and was just waiting on them. I spun around in the chair until we heard a truck pulling up. We all stood up and waited for the people to start pilling in. one by one we all took someone to a room to help out. I spotted a man in his thirties and grabbed him and helped him in a wheel chair and started to head for a room. Seeing a door was opened I wheeled him in and helped him on the bed.

"I'm going to check you over and see what the problem is okay?" I said and started to rip his sleeve off and noticed a bullet wound. I looked at him and then back at the wound and started to clean and dress it. The bullet went straight thru so I didn't have to worry about taking anything out.

"Was hit by one of my teams on accident. Was a zombie behind me and didn't know it until my buddy shot it." He said. He was cradling his leg and I started to rip off his pant leg to see what was going on there.

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