Chapter 19

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I woke up to someone knocking on my door. Looking at the time I saw it was past noon. They were probably getting worried about me, since I didn't wake up in the morning. I got up and opened the door to find Lance.

"Hey, I have some potato casserole down stairs for lunch." He said. I could smell it and it was making my stomach growl. I was hungry but I was still upset with Lance. Walking past him not saying a word. I grabbed a plate and took it back upstairs. Before Lance could follow me, I locked the door and went over to the bed to eat. I know I was being childish but he was to if he went thru with this and not thinking of it.

I finished up my plate and opened up the door slowly and put the plate on the ground so grandma or he could pick it up. I didn't want to risk running into Lance and then lectured I was being a child. I went to my bed and got my book out to read.


Hours passed before someone knocked on my door again. Getting up I slowly opened it up to find Grandma.

"Dinner is ready." She said, giving me a hopeful look but I didn't want to go down and face Lance or her. I was upset with both of them and I just wanted to be left alone. Shutting the door on her I walked back to the bed.

"Rose you need to eat something for the sake of my grand babies. You will come down there and you will eat missy." She yelled to the door. I wasn't hungry and I already had a stash of cookies and granola bars under my bed. Not bothering to answer her I laid down and took some cookies out. It was seven o'clock and I was getting tired like I usually do. I needed to go to the hospital tomorrow to work and distract myself. I know I didn't need to go back until Tuesday but I needed more space than a door. Going to the bathroom again and brushing my teeth I hopped in bed and fell asleep.


I woke up to my alarm and got ready to go. I made sure I had everything I needed and went downstairs. I wrote a note earlier so I wouldn't have to tell them. I stuck it to the door and left. I heard movement in the kitchen before I left so hopefully they wouldn't come to me. Walking along the road to head for the hospital I looked around to see the sun coming up in different colors. I woke up a little to early but I needed out.

Seeing Ashley at the desk I told her I would be working and I would find a spot to work in after I changed into my scrubs and coat. Going to the locker room and changing as quickly I could I noticed my stomach has gotten a little bump to it. Smiling and rubbing my belly before I went out to start my day I put up my hair and went to Ashley.

"Hey, your glowing you know? And I see the babies are making more room." She said noticing the bump.

"I thought you be in your wing today?" I asked.

"I don't have any appointments today and Sherry is dealing with her kids. They have a cold or something." She said. I nodded and looked at the board to see where I could go to fill. Going to ask Rachel if she would like help in the emergency room section. Seeing that it was okay and congratulating me on the pregnancy. There was no hiding it and I knew I would need to talk to the boss about time off when it came to my third trimester.

Going to the first patent and looking over their board. All I could see is the cold for them and gave them a dose of medicine they could take and let them be discharged. Going to the next and the next I was getting tired of the easy stuff. There wasn't much to be done really, only a couple people just getting sick and check-ups. Going to Racheal to see if I could take my lunch, I went to Ashely to see if she was going on hers.

"Hey you going to lunch to?" I asked, walking up beside her. She nodded and took my arm. We got our lunch and sat down. Taking a drink of my water I noticed Ashley looking at me.

"So why are you really here? You weren't suppose to come back until Tuesday." She asked.

"I just needed to get away. Lance has been barking up my tree I should say." I told her, looking down at my plate. No one knew that my grandmother was a vampire and I like to keep it that way. They assumed I needed the blood for a medical reason for her that we made up. I needed to get her more bags just thinking about it but my thoughts were cut off by Ashley laughing at me.

"Oh, just wait until you get bigger. He wont let you do anything just sit and stay." She said laughing more at her little joke. Rolling my eyes I continued to eat my chicken salad and ham cheese sandwich. I was really hungry since I didn't eat breakfast thanks to me.

"I will lose my mind if that happens." I said with a mouthful. She rolled her eyes and continued to eat her rib sandwich and chips. Smelling it makes me want to get one to. Damn cravings. I'll just get one when I leave. Throwing away our trash and going back to work, but Rachel wanted me to do some files which I was fine with anyway it could take my mind off things.


Opening the front door I walked in and went straight to my room. Getting in the shower and brushing my teeth, I walked into my closet to find some pjs. I laid down and before I could get comfortable there was a knock. Getting frustrated that neither could leave me alone and it was already going on eight. I walked to the door and opened it up to find Lance with a plate of mashed potatoes and mac n cheese.

"Can we talk?" He asked before I could take the plate and close the door. I knew he wouldn't give it to me unless I let him in. going to the bed and sitting down I grabbed the plate and started stuffing my face.

"Listen I been thinking... I'm not going to change." He said. I stopped mid way with my spoon and looked up to him.

"It upset you and I can see where it's coming from. I'm still going and making it this week to go instead of next week. I'm sorry if I worried you or scared you." He said taking the spoon away and setting it on my plate.

"Thank you." I said not really knowing what to say. He knew how I felt about it and I didn't want to lose him.

"I'm sorry to." I said knowing I needed to apologize to him for acting like a child and pushing him away.

"It's okay. I know why you did it and I'm glad you did so I can get it thru my head that I needed to really think this through." He said. I finished up my food and placed the plate on the night stand to take down later.

"Let's go to bed okay?" He said getting under the covers with me. I laid there next to him and traced my fingers along his collar of his shirt. I was glad he thought this thru but he was still leaving for I don't know how long. I wonder if I wasn't pregnant if I would go to. Surly I would go just for the sake and be close to Lance but this was going to hurt that he was going to be far away. Clearing my thoughts and focusing on sleep instead. I drifted off to the sound of Lance's steady breathing.

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