Chapter 17

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*Lance POV*

I couldn't believe she didn't tell me that she was pregnant when she found out. I knocked on Tyler's door that night to get away from her. I couldn't stick around with my head in a jumble and I needed some advice. I needed to talk to Jules since she was more of a friend and knew me to. She opened the door to let me in and we sat down in the living room to talk.

"Rose is pregnant." I said in a whisper. I didn't know how I felt about the baby and I didn't want to be there but I needed space to get my head wrapped around it. I know it was selfless of me to do that to her when she needed me the most, heck she was more scared about this than me most likely.

"Did you say pregnant?" Jules asked and all I could do was nod.

"Why are you here then?" She asked me and I didn't know either. I know I should be with Rose but I don't know what pushed me away. Fear maybe?

"Can I stay here for a couple nights?" I asked looking up to her.

"Yea, but you know you should go back to her. She's probably thinking the worst right now. Lance you can stay here but you need to go back to her soon. She can't do this alone. Look at Lacey and Tyler, he knew he needed to be a father to his little girl and worked it all out and I know you can to. You will be a great father Lance. Is that what scares you?" She asked scooting closer to me. Was that the reason I left? Or that it wasn't safe for us here until we expanded? I didn't want my child growing up in this life time where we would have to be more careful and put some risks.

"I don't know really why I'm scared. There's a lot going on thru my mind and I don't want to fuck up anything when I know I already did by leaving.

"Does she know where you went?" she asked and I shook my head.

"Her grandma was in the kitchen when I went back from my walk and told her I be here since Rose was sleeping. I got some clothes and left." I said leaving the part where I checked on Rose and wanting to be in that bed with her and take away her worries.

"You will have to sleep on the couch if that is okay." She said getting a blanket and pillow for me. I didn't mind sleeping on the couch or that the baby would wake me up. I forgot about her and now I felt like I was intruding.

"Are you sure you want me to stay? I mean the baby and that." I said getting up from the couch to grab my bag.

"It's fine as long as your quiet, or Lacey or Tyler would kill you." She said laughing a little. Setting my bag back down and taking the stuff from her to start making my 'bed' I got comfy and told Jules goodnight and thank you.


I woke up to some shuffling in the kitchen and got up. I saw Lacey trying to pump while holding Lesa in one arm trying to sooth her. She looked up when she noticed me.

"Could you help? Tyler and Jules are still asleep and I need to pump for her. Could you hold her for me and it would only take a couple minutes I swear." She said looking and me pleading. I walked over and gently scooped up Lesa. Asking if this was correct and going to sit at the kitchen table, while waiting on Lacey to pump and take her back.

I looked down at Lesa and she was asleep, she was a beautiful girl and she was going to break hearts for sure when she was older. I looked how small and delicate she was. She had brown hair like Tyler and she had his eyes to when I saw them earlier. She had her moms lips and nose for sure. Looking up to see Lacey waiting for me to give her back to her with a smile on her face. I gave her back gently, I think Lacey did that on purpose. Jules must of told her what happened last night and help me in some weird way holding her child to see it wasn't going to be that bad.

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