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**Rose POV***

I woke up to my alarm and got up to start my day. Lance has been kind and sweet the past few days and I'm glad everything worked out for us. We had an appointment today and Lance said he would come with. I was a bit nervous to see how he would do, but I think he needed this more than me. I got in the shower and hurried up. Lance got in after me and I started to brush my teeth and get dressed.

Going downstairs to make some toast and eggs for us so we could hurry and eat then leave. My appointment was at nine thirty and I wanted to get this done and over with. We finished breakfast and walked to the hospital and met up with Ashley.

"Lance it's so good to see you." She said shaking his hand and going to give me a hug.

"Today I'll need your weight and blood pressure and then we can look at that bundle of joy." She said taking me to the scale in the room. I only gained five pounds and she wanted me to eat more but she understood it was hard with the morning sickness.

"So how bad is the morning sickness?" She asked before she put the jell on my stomach.

"I will only eat once a day and snack on crackers throughout the day mostly. I'll eat a little bit for dinner." I said and looked at Lance.

"Is it normal for her to throw up this much?" Lance asked and Ashley nodded and explained once I get in my second trimester it should go away. She put the wand to my belly and circled around. She took a closer look and turned on something on the machine. There was a heartbeat coming thru and it was going faster than normal.

"Why is the baby's heartbeat going that fast?" I asked looking at the screen.

"It seems that your pregnant with twins. Since we didn't listen to the heartbeat the last time and was behind their sibling that's why we didn't know you were having twins. They seem to growing fast to...." She said. I turned to Lance to see his reaction and he sat there shocked. I knew why the babies were growing fast is because of the vampire gene. I couldn't tell her and hopefully she wouldn't question it. Hurrying to change the subject.

"Are you sure twins?" I asked. She pointed to the first baby and then to the second that wasn't hiding. I couldn't believe it, but at the same time I could.

"That would explain the morning sickness getting worse. Any questions?" She asked and I shook my head. I couldn't utter a word and I think Lance was in the same state. Ashley left to give us some privacy and gave me paper towels to clean my stomach. I looked at Lance to get something out of him but he sat there not uttering a word. Two babies were going to be hard for us I'm sure and I was scared this would make Lance leave. Wrapping a arm around my stomach I sat beside Lance.

"Twins." He whispered and looked up to me. I grabbed his hands to show I was here with him.

"It will be okay. We will figure this out together right?" Trying to confirm that he was with me on this and that he wouldn't leave.

"Together." He said kissing my head. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and started to stand with Lance so we could leave. Ashley brought me the pictures and let us leave. We walked back home in silence that was comfortable somewhat. Going to grandma's room to tell her the news.

"So, looks like it's twins. And they have the vampire gene. They are growing fast and I'm worried about Ashley asking any questions about it." I said sitting beside her waiting for her reply.

"We will figure something out with Ashley I will talk to her privately. But twins!" She said excited. She looked at the sonograms and hugged me tightly. Lance went by to go to the bedroom and take a nap and I thought I do the same. I left grandma telling her I was going to nap and see how Lance was doing. He laid there and when he noticed me he opened his arms for me to snuggle with him.

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