Chapter 14

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The week was going by fast, since I was busy with my shift at the hospital and going home to eat and sleep. I hardly could stay up during dinner. It was finally Friday and there was only two mother's here to take care of. Taking one of the babies to their mom for feeding and helping her get everything together for her to leave. The other mom would be leaving today to and I needed to get the discharge papers ready to put in file. Going to the mother that Tyler got pregnant was a little weird, I seen him come in sometime with Jules to. I heard them talking about a schedule when they could take the baby but since the baby couldn't be away from her mother due to breast feeding. So they agreed that they would live together. Tyler had the perfect house of a four bedroom set up already that he would be moving into this weekend.

Lance was suppose to leave this afternoon to help with the packing and see how Jules was taking it. She hasn't come to us to talk and I haven't had much time to hang out. But since I get weekends off I would be helping out with them.

"Here is where you sign and I can put these on file and help you pack your stuff." I said to Lacey that was the mother to Tyler's baby.

"Thank you but Tyler should be here any minute to help me. I really hope we are doing the right thing." She said, saying the last thing as a whisper to herself but I heard anyway. I nodded and went out the door. Jules was walking towards me with a suitcase.

"Hey Jules where is Tyler?" I asked stopping in front of her.

"Oh, he's moving stuff in the new house. He wants to get it done before the weekend is up." She said. She looked a bit tired and I was a little worried for her. Taking a step sideways and leading her to the front desk.

"Are you okay? It must be a lot to take in." I said as she rubbed her neck.

"You know honestly it's a lot to take in. Tyler didn't even know he was a father until his co-worker came and told him that his ex girlfriend was in the hospital giving birth. The day that you saw him here, he was confirming if the baby was his or not. He told me before he came here that he was possibly a dad, I just needed time to think if we should continue this relationship. But after meeting Lacey and their child I can tell they are doing this for their baby. I just feel like I'm in the way." She said wiping some tears. I took a step towards her and hugged her tightly.

"I don't think your in the way. Tyler looks at you with so much love Jules. I know it will be hard but I'm here and so is Lance if you need anything. I'm off tomorrow and I'll come and help move stuff." I said looking at her. Seeing she was drying her tears before she went into Lacey's room.

"I'll be fine. Thank you Rose it means a lot to know I have a friend." She said leaving me to go to the other mother and help her leave since I didn't have to with Lacey.


After the mother's were all gone I changed the bed sheets and cleaned up the room and the nursery until we had more babies come in. it was good to populate I guess I should say. We were safe with the wall up and since it was 50 ft. high we didn't have to worry about anything. The plans for the towns was next week and about thirty people were going. I was nervous to say the least I don't know why but maybe it was just a feeling.

Leaving the hospital and going home to eat and sleep was the only thing on my mind. I been so tired this week and couldn't wait to sleep in for once. I walked in to a smell of food and went to the kitchen to see what was cooking. Noticing it was chicken noddle soup, I got a bowel and poured some in. Lance came in as I sat down and got himself some.

"How was today?" I asked first to break conversation. He sat down across from me.

"Tiring really. He wanted to set up his daughters room first so they can make sure they had everything. He basically took everything from the store that was girl themed. And then worked on the bedrooms. So a little sore but we have much more to move." He said eating some soup and waiting for me to talk about my day.

"I saw Jules today picking up Lacey. She's a little worried but she will be fine. Just needs some time to adjust. Also won't be working in the maternity wing, since we don't have any mother's for now." I said and picked up my bowel to get seconds. Getting the crackers on the way back to the table and crunching some into the soup to get more taste.

"I'm glad that she is adjusting well." He said cleaning his bowel and putting the leftovers up.

"What time will we be going to Tyler's?" I asked.

"Tyler wants us around eight but since you been busy this week at the hospital I was thinking of going over by myself and you can come after you sleep in." He said. It made me smile since I really wanted to sleep in. Kissing him on the cheek and going upstairs to shower and get ready for bed I couldn't wait for bed.

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