Chapter seven

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I woke up to my alarm the I set at 4:30 to get ready. It was Friday and wasn't looking forward to it. I got ready and got my knives attached to me. I started to put my hair in a bun and got my bags together. I walked downstairs to see my grandma waiting by the door with some toast to eat. I grabbed it and thanked her. Kissed her goodbye and looked up the stairs hoping Lance would show to tell me goodbye but it was my fault, I wanted the space.

I met with the group and climbed into the back of the truck and we started to head out. I decided to get some more sleep, I laid down in the corner and drifted off to sleep.


I woke up to someone shaking me and realized we were in the first town we would scout. It was early afternoon so we only been driving for a couple hours. I got one of my guns and started to head to the hospital to see if they had supplies that we could carry. There was two other people with me that had suitcases to haul the stuff easier.

As we entered we turned on the flashlights and went to the left. I looked at the signs to see where we would go until I heard a noise come from the right. I door was opened but it was dark inside. Motioning towards the door then guys went to the other side of the door. I peeked in and shinned my light inside. I saw bodies all hurdled together. Moving the light away as quickly I motioned to the guys there was zombies in the room. As quiet I could be I started to close the door. There was a squeak and one of them turned their heads towards the noise. I held my breath hoping they wouldn't come. I didn't know if there was another herd around. We didn't have enough ammo between the three of us.

Once he turned around I closed the door and locked it. Hopefully they wont come and tear the door down. As I walked away I motioned for the guys to continue down the hall. We reached the storage room and I grabbed what was on the list I had. I only had to get two more things and that was on the other side. As we walked quietly down the hall I heard some rustling. I creeped up to the noise and noticed around the corner there was a zombie eating a arm. I held in the bile and stopped the guys from going. I grabbed one of my knives and sneaked up to it. This one dumb for sure. I came up to him and he still didn't notice me. I stabbed him in the head instantly killing him. I whispered to the guys that we would pick up the body on the way back. As we made it to the medicine wing. I started to get every medicine on the list and more incase. I didn't want to come back until maybe a couple more months.

Once we got done and wrapped the body up we got out as fast and quietly we could. We put the body into the trunk of a car to help with the sunlight and locked it up.

"Sir there was a herd inside and this one alone. He was eating a body part. Rose here killed him." One of the guys said to the general. He looked at me proudly and patted my back. We continued to go south and hit different parts of towns. When it was night we take shelter at one of the underground tunnels. It was going good and great distraction. I still thought of Lance and what he was doing mostly. At night I like to think of him laying beside me. But I know it was just my dreams getting to my head.

i know a short chapter im sorry 

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