Chapter Three

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I headed for the hospital after the sun came up a few minutes ago. I walked into the locker room and started to change into my scrubs. I put my hair up in a messy bun and started to wash my hands. I put gloves on and started to head to the front desk and see where I would be stationed.

Paul said that the search party would be here around eight and that was only thirty minutes away. Noticing I would be helping with the search party I headed to the emergency room. I got everything ready. Stitches, bandages, alcohol, and blood bags in case anyone lost blood.

As I got everything ready and noticed that we only had five minutes or more I started to head to the entrance. My group waited for the party and noticed some coming in. I started to help one of the survivors. I put an iv in her arm and checked for any cuts or bites.

She looked around seeming to not believe that she was here safe and sound. I checked her blood pressure and noticed it was low. I put her on fluids and started to go to my next one. This time it was one of the search party's members. I looked at his ankle and noticed it was broken and started to take the wrap off to inspect it better.

"How did this happen?" I asked as I saw a big bruise on the sides. It was broken for sure and would take a month to heal.

"Fell down the stairs from a boy trying to kill me. Guess he was thinking I was a zombie and attacked me. You might need to check on him to and give him an x-ray. He seemed to break his arm when we landed on the floor." he said wincing when I pressed down on a spot. I helped him into a wheel chair and started to head to the x-ray room.

I took a couple shots and waited for the results come in to see where it was broken and how bad in case it would need more than a month.

"You will be off duty for about two months and you need to take it easy. Do you have anyone that can help around and be with you at night until we have the wall built?" I asked as I started to make the cast on his leg.

"Yea my wife and kids will be there. Her brother will most likely be there to help during the night." he said and laid there until I finished.

"Would you like crutches or a wheel chair. I can give you both to if it will help." I said noticing a woman came into the room with tears in her eyes. She ran to the man and started to hug and kiss him everywhere on the face. Looking away to give them more privacy I looked at the board.

"Can he come home now?" she asked me and I nodded.

"Just make sure he takes it easy the first month and we will do a checkup in.... Two weeks. Sound good?" I said marking down the day and what time to come back for their checkup. They nodded and took the paper and started to head for the doors. She carried the crutches while he wheeled himself out the doors.

Going to the next room. I looked down at the chart to notice it's the guy with the broken arm. I walk in still looking at the board.

"So, broke your arm from attacking one of the army guys thinking he was a zombie." I said looking for any more detail on the board in case I have to do anything else.

"You know I never thought you would become a doctor." that voice. I know that voice. Looking up I noticed that his hair was a little bit longer and he got taller. Heck it's been two years since I see him and he has grown into a man.

"Are you going to say or do anything or just stand their catching flies?" Lance asked. I ran to him and hugged him tightly thinking this was just a dream. He winced and I pulled back forgetting about his arm.

"It can't be, I mean I always knew you were still alive. But I didn't think you be with me ever." I look down and notice I was crying. I wipe my tears and look back up to his gorgeous green eyes.

"I'm sorry it took me so long to find you. I thought you were dead to.... I'm sorry." he said looking down like he was sorry about something else.

"Sorry for what Lance? It's not your fault this happened and you were at vacation with your parents." I said meaning it. It wasn't anyone's fault that this happened except someone making the virus. The man that did didn't even mean to get it out to the wrong hands and think this would happen. But we couldn't do anything about it as there was no cure.

"I know." he said looking down. I take his hand and squeeze.

"Let me look at your arm and we can see what we need to do okay?" he nods for my response. I look at his arm and sure enough it was broken.

" I don't need x-rays to know where its broken. I'll need to make a cast for you and you need to take it easy for a couple weeks. We will keep you here for a couple days to make sure you won't go do something to cause more pain." I said hooking an iv for him and getting water in his system. I made the cast and took him to the room for staying overnight.

"Thank you Rose. I really didn't think you would become a doctor. You always dreamed about it and studied hard for the college courses in high school." he said looking at me.

"I just wanted to get school done so I could become a doctor sooner than thirty. But when this all happened, I had to stop. But once the military found this place and started to build the walls and I noticed a hospital. I started to work here as a training since I didn't have that much experience. Then a year past and became a doctor and I take some shifts to help out." I said, helping him on the bed. I carried the bag over by the bed. Once I was done I looked at the time and noticed we only have two hours before night.

"I need to go. But you will be safe here. The hospital locks down and there are guards around. If anything happens just press the red button over your head or on the remote." I said, I started to head to the door and took one last glance at him. I wanted to stay but I knew I couldn't because of my grandma.


As I sat in the basement I noticed grandma was awake and not asleep.

"so, Lance is back?" she asked looking at me. I nodded and looked back at the computers to look outside.

"yep. He broke his arm so he's in the hospital until I or some other doctor checks him out." I said typing a passcode to set a trap up to kill one of the zombies to close to the windows.

"are you going to see him tomorrow and do a shift?" she asked. She knew my answer, I was planning on taking a shift but if I can see him I can kill two birds with one stone.

" I'm on the schedule tomorrow so yes I'll be seeing him as it's my job to make sure that my patents are okay." I said going over to the cot and laying down.

"get some rest and ill wake you up." she said and that's what I did.

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