Chapter five

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I woke up to my alarm and got in the shower, once I was done I brushed my teeth and put my hair in a ponytail. I walked downstairs after I got dressed in normal cloths and went to the kitchen. There was a note on the table assuming from my grandma.


sorry I didn't make breakfast. I'm at the military base to finish up on scheduling search partys and what town we need to go to. Have fun on your shift.

-love grandma

Making toast instead of something big and more mess to clean up. I walked out the door with my toast and made my way to the hospital to get my shift over with. I walked into the lockers and changed into my scrubs and got my white coat and badge. Going to the front desk to look over my board to see who I was going to check up I see Lance wanted to see me first and requested me.

I walked down the hall towards his room and noticed it was ajar. Creeping up to it I heard voices becoming louder by the minute.

"Jules I'm sorry but I never loved you in the first place. I cant be with you anymore. I love and still do love someone else." so that's her name sounds like a cunts name.

"After everything we been thru? I love you Lance, you cant go to that fucking cunt!" she yelled and I was about to come in and intervene but once I heard what Lance said made me stop.

"That fucking cunt is the love of my life and always will be. She had my heart a long time ago and had always been there for me and didn't nag off my ear when it came to stupid shit. Don't come near me or her you understand or there will be a price to pay." he said and I can hear Jules crying over what he said. I decided to walk in with my face into the board so they didn't think I was eavesdropping.

"So Lance your arm.... Oh hi am I interrupting something?" I asked looking between Lance and Jules. Jules looked like she wanted to murder me and Lance just shook his head.

"No she was just leaving actually." he said glaring at Jules to just walk away and not challenge him. She walked away crying her eyes out and slammed the door shut.

"well as I was saying your arm seems to be good and that your charts are better to. We can discharge you and you can be on your way. Any questions?" I asked looking up from my board.

" I don't know where to stay. I mean I don't have a place anymore. But um can I get one?" he asked looking at his cast.

"You have to go to the military base. There they will give you options on work and place to stay. We have apartments that people share until they get their own place. We usually build them but since we are low on workers we sometimes just get trailers that we can haul here." I take a deep breath and check his cast to make sure its still okay. I help put the brace on and he stands up. Gosh hes tall.

"Um how long for it to process to get a place? And how long will I be able to not work until this thing is off." he said pointing to his cast.

"Oh right, your cast should be off in about a month so ill write you a slip for the job positions. And it takes a couple weeks since we had survivors come with you and taking most of the space. I mean you can stay with me and my grandma. We have a spare room." I said and wanted to hit myself, why did I suggest that now he will think I'm desperate for him and want him back so easily.

"Really? You would let me stay with you until an opening came up or a trailer?" he asked looking more shocked than me. I nodded and released the breath I was holding.

"Yea ill show you over to my place and get you settled in on my lunch. You can explore for now. I don't go to lunch for another two hours. If that's okay?" I asked. I was freaking out. I didn't know what else to do. Maybe grandma will say no. or she wont since she's so nice.

"Sure ill just check into the military base and wait for you then." he said taking the papers with him and leaving once we got in the hallway.


I did the rest of my patients and started to head to the cafeteria to get lunch. After I ordered a salad and a bottle of water I headed to the table section to find Lance. I spotted him by the window seats and started to head that way.

"hey I'm sorry I'm late. Busy day." I said as I was sitting down. I noticed Lance had a sandwich and chips with it. I grabbed a chip from his bag and then looked up as I took a bite.

"You never change Rose. Always stealing my food like always." he said with a little smile. I could feel a blush coming up. I hid my face a little and continued to eat my salad.

"So does your grandma mind if I stay with you guys until I get a place or will I die?" he said with a little humor. I shook my head as I had a mouthful.

"No she wouldn't mind and if its you she wouldn't. you know my grandma liked you." I said and started to get up after I finished my lunch.

"So are you coming or not? My grandma can show you the store to get some cloths and things you might need if you want." I said as I threw away my things and started for the doors to lead outside. We walked along side by side and when our hands touched I could still feel the sparks I remembered. He kept glancing at me from the side and I couldn't wait for the awkward to stop.

" So your not going to move in with Jules? If you don't mind me asking." I said and looked at the ground.

"It was never going to work when my heart belonged to someone else." he said as he starred at me I couldn't help but blush again. Damn him for being so sweet.

"I'm sorry it couldn't work out. Maybe for the best." I said as we approached my house. I walked in and noticed grandma still wasn't home. I showed Lance where mine and my grandma's room was. I walked to the door across from mine and opened it to reveal the guest bedroom. He also had a joining bathroom with his room and walk in closet.

"Thank you again Rose this means a lot coming from you." he said taking my hand and the breath caught in my throat.

"I better go I need to get back to the hospital. There's food in the fridge if you get hungry and towels in the closet if you wanted to shower." he nodded and started to go to the closet, my guess to get a towel. I walked out and started to head back to work and get the day over with.

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