Chapter Twenty-six

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Walking downstairs to the smell of bacon coming from the kitchen I hurried and got a plate to fill it up. I woke up earlier with the smell of bacon cooking and hurried and got dressed. Lance was still asleep so I didn't bother him. I kissed grandma on her cheek after filling my plate with bacon and pancakes. Sitting down at the bar and buttering my pancakes and cutting them up after. Looking for the syrup and seeing it was in grandmas hands. She came over and gave it to me. Eating my bacon first then pouring the syrup on the pancakes and digging in.

Lance came in and went straight to the coffee. Filling a mug and then getting some bacon he sat next to me. Kissing my forehead and starting to eat his bacon. Finishing up my plate and going to wash it off I looked at the time to see it was going on ten.

"What are your plans for today?" I asked Lance and grandma.

"I have to go to the base to get everything planned out for this week." Grandma said. I looked at Lance after she was done.

"I'm going to go over the plans Tyler gave me. Do you need something?" Lance asked and I shook my head.

"I don't have much planned really except food shopping and getting blood for grandma." I said sitting back down next to him.

"Well I'll be staying here so I can help carry the groceries in okay? Just take it easy." He said, getting up to clean out his mug. Getting up to get a light coat and leaving to head to the hospital first. I got in the jeep and started it up. Looking to see I need to get gas soon I figured I get it after I get the blood.

Parking at the entrance of the hospital I got out and started to head to the blood section. Stopping in my tracks when I hear someone calling my name. Turning around and see that it was Ashley I stopped and waited for her to come to me.

"Hey, what you doing here?" She asked and I told her the truth. She knew about the vampire genes and grandma being a vampire now, so why lie? Going to the room and filling the bag up and looking for the chart to write it down.

"So what do you tell others when you get blood?" Ashley asked and I put the chart back.

"I just tell them that my grandma has a disease and she needs blood transfusions to help her survive." I tell her. Walking out the door and heading for the entrance. Going to the back of the jeep and pulling the cooler out. Looking around to see if anyone is around I hurry and get the blood in the cooler. Saying goodbye to Ashley and heading for the gas station to get some gas.

Pulling up to the pump I get out and start getting gas. Filling it up and seeing how much gas I took I walked inside to tell the owner. Going back out with a water bottle and a bag of Cheeto's, I get back in the jeep and head to the store finally. Parking as close as I can get to the entrance. Getting out and walking in and grabbing a cart I go down every aisle to get food and stuff for the house. I try to get as much little things so I wouldn't have to be a big bother for the cashier to write this down. Stopping at the baby clothes I look at them and wonder if we would have boys or girls or each. Rubbing my stomach and walking away to head to the front to be greeted by Jules.

"Do you ever have a day off?" I ask her. Its true really she seems to be always working.

"I'm taking extra shifts since I'll be off next week, remember I told you this silly." She says starting to get everything out of the cart and begins writing it down on her inventory list. Then I recall her telling me this last night.

"Sorry a lot has been going thru my mind. How are you holding up with Tyler leaving?" I ask.

"About the same as you I bet." She says bagging the last item. She was right about that I hated Lance leaving and worried about it to. I nodded agreeing with her, we didn't need words to know how we felt.

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