Chapter 25

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I woke up around eight and decided to get up and shower. After I showered I walked into the bedroom to find Lance getting undressed. Walking up behind him I dropped my towel and wrapped my arms around his stomach. Kissing his shoulder blades and going to the other, Lance grabbed my hands and turned around and slammed his lips against my own. I moaned at the force he was using, like he couldn't get more of me. Trailing my fingers into his hair as his hands grabbed my waist, he lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his hips. Feeling his cock slide on my folds due to me being so wet already I moaned wanting more.

I moved my hips to let him slide right in me and moaned at the fullness I felt when he was inside me. Pinning me to wall and slamming his hips against mine, making me a withering mess. He grabbed my wrist and pinned them above my head. Trailing kisses down my neck to my breast, giving each nipple attention. I moaned and met his thrusts getting closer to the edge.

"Fuck Rose your so tight. You going to cum on my dick?" Lance asked and I wanted to cum right then but I held it in wanting to keep going.

"Don't hold back. Cum on my dick baby." And I did after he said that. Arching my back and moaning. I felt his dick twitch inside and he came after me filling me up. Both of us moaning and riding our orgasm out until where we couldn't take it anymore. He carried me to the bed and went to the bathroom to get a wet rag. He cleaned me up and went to shower to get himself cleaned up.

Laying down for awhile to get my breathing back to normal, I finally got up and got dressed. Picking out some leggings and baggy t-shirt. Putting my hair up in a messy bun, I walked downstairs to see grandma making breakfast. Filling my plate up with some toast, oatmeal, and eggs. I grabbed the glass of orange juice that was already filled in a glass and walked to the bar to eat. Spreading some jelly on my toast and putting some egg on it I started to eat.

Lance came down a little after and started fill his plate up and get some coffee. He sat next to me and smirked when I was looking at the coffee with need. But I didn't need it really. Finishing up my plate I walked to the sink to clean it off.

"Would I need to get anything for tonight's dinner?" I asked Lance.

"Um, how about a roast? I got some potatoes and carrots so that will work okay?" He asked and I nodded.

"Where are you going sweetie?" Grandma asked and I sat down next to Lance before answering.

"I'm going to get some maternity clothes since some of my stuff doesn't fit me." I said waiting on Lance to finish. She nodded and grabbed Lance's empty plate and let us go.

"Just be careful okay? And call me or your Grandma if you need anything okay?" Lance said before getting out of the car.

"I'll be fine and I'm not sure if the phones at the store are working but listen to the radio incase anything okay? I love you, now go to work and I'll pick you up once I get back home to drop off everything." I said kissing him on the cheek and shooing him away. After saying goodbye finally he left and I drove to the mall and started to head for the stores.

"Can I help you?" A lady said coming up beside me. Smiling I walked up to the clothes.

"I need clothes for sixteen weeks and up." I said. I couldn't wait to find out the genders and hopefully it will be soon. I miss a couple weeks on the pregnancy but Ashley measured I was at sixteen weeks. Seems that I skip a week at a time since they the babies grow twice as big. Ashley said that I will most likely have my due date in four months instead.

Walking behind the Lady to the sixteen week cloths and then showing me where the others are when I'm ready for that department she left me alone. I grabbed a cart and looked at the different cloths and grabbed five outfits from each section. Going over to the nursing scrubs they had placed out to I grabbed five each that I would need for sizes. Since I'm with twins I'll be bigger and needed the extra sizes for later on. Going to the desk and writing down each item I helped her bag them up. Putting them in the cart and going strolling to the parking lot to put the bags away and go to the grocery store.

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