Chapter 23

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I couldn't sleep, all I could think about was Lance coming home in three days instead of two long weeks. I went to bed after getting my answer and laid down to think. We only had three days to get everything ready and then the team would have more medical supplies for us but we needed it now so we would be ready for everyone. I didn't know how we were going to do this but I needed to sleep so I could talk to Rachel tomorrow about this. We needed to go over rooms that are available and how much supplies we had on hand and get to work before the three days were up. I didn't mind working on the floor as long as it was fast and done. Thank god I didn't have my big bump yet. I finally drifted off to sleep around midnight and slept of nightmares.


Waking up in a cold sweat I looked at the time and saw it was only five in the morning. Getting up because I wasn't going to get anymore sleep anyway I decided to shower. Once I was done I got dressed in leggings and a t-shirt and went to brush my teeth and hair. French braiding my hair to the side I went downstairs to get coffee and breakfast.

"I thought I heard you up. Why you up so early?" Grandma said walking to the island and watching me get coffee grounds out of the fridge. "Only one cup missy, you know you can't have that much since the babies." She added on.

"I know grandma. I just couldn't fall asleep I guess." I said getting some eggs and cheese out.

"You want to talk about it?" She asked and I shook my head. I didn't want to talk about the nightmares with her. They were just dreams they weren't real I knew that.

"I'm fine, really. So, Jules said there was some high chairs at the store she was holding for me. Could you pick them up since I'll be busy for the next week." I asked and got to cooking.

"I can pick them up on my way home from base. I need to go over the schedule for guards and talk to Paul to see if he had any more radio contact." She said and got out two mugs for us and started to pour our coffee. She handed me the mug and I stirred up the eggs as I took a sip of my black coffee. Setting down my mug and getting a plate ready I got the eggs on the plate and got out some jelly.

"Please tell me that's a pregnancy craving." She said as I put jelly on my eggs. I nodded and sat down to eat.

"It's sweet and salty. I don't think we have milkshakes and fries around so this is close to it." I said taking a couple more bites. It was good but weird I guess to others. Finishing up on my eggs I got my coffee and took small sips to warm myself up. I looked at the clock to see it was only going on six thirty and I doubted if Rachel was there to talk to. She usually came around seven thirty to start her shifts.

I finished my coffee and started to clean the dishes as grandma went back upstairs to get ready. I thought I lounge around and see about taking a nap but I doubt it with the coffee. I started to rub my stomach and looked down to see my small bump. I couldn't believe they were growing up fast. They needed as much room they could get. Going over to the calendar to mark off another day and see when my next appointment was in three weeks sadly I wanted to see the sonogram again. Maybe I could ask Ashley if we could do one. I started to walk out the door and head to the hospital hoping to see Ashley there and have a free spot.


"Hey do you have a couple minutes?" I asked Ashley spotting her going into the hospital. She looked at her watch and nodded as she lead the way to her office.

"Is something wrong?" She asked unlocking the door.

"No, I just wanted to see if I could possibly see the babies?" I asked feeling a little nervous.

"Sure." She said setting up the bed for me and rolling the machine over. I got on the table and lifted up my shirt. She put the jell on and put the wand on my stomach. Looking at the screen to see the babies all safe and sound I asked Ashley if we could hear the heart beat.

"Why didn't you tell me about your vampire genes and that?" She asked.

"I needed to protect my grandmother and myself, but I trust you Ashley." I said, I meant what I said and I know she wouldn't tell anyone.

"Are you sure your okay though?" She asked me looking at me.

"Just a little stressed that's all. Did you hear the team is coming back in two days now. I need to talk to Rachel about it and go over the supplies and then see about going on the floor to help." I said.

"Just take it easy okay? Not a lot of stress for you or the babies. I think Rachel should be in now." She said looking at her watch and then helping cleaning my stomach. I got up and thanked her and went to the locker room to change into my scrubs. I went to Rachel's office and saw the door opened. Tapping on it to get her attention I walked in when she hollered.

"Hey I needed to talk to you. There seems to be that the team found survivors and there are sixteen injured and they will be here in two days." I said. She stopped midway taking a drink of her coffee and looked at me.

"I can help on the floor and the trucks will be here for more supplies to. It wouldn't be a problem and they will be here in the afternoon." I said in a rush.

"Thank you Rose. Could you possibly gather a team and go over the rooms that need to be prepped and then the supplies we have on hand to each room?" She asked a little worried. I nodded and got up to start getting people to help around. I walked to the front desk and got my board out and a couple pens to start with names and rooms that were available. I walked up to the big board to see Jessica working. I cleared my throat to get her attention. She turned around to face me and smiled.

"Hey Jessica, I was wondering if you had a list of rooms that are available and some people that could help out to. If you didn't mind need this done before tomorrow." I said giving her the clip board to put the list on. She printed out the hospital rooms and wrote down some people that could help out.

"If you need anymore help just swing by and I could help around to." She said handing back the clip board and letting me go. I walked down the hallway and looked down at the board looking at the names and noticed she wrote where they would be. Thanking her in my head so I couldn't have to ask around I started to the west wing that was closet and started down the list.


I sat down in on the sofa when I got home and started to rub my feet after taking my shoes off. Today was a long day getting things ready and I didn't get home until after seven. I was starving but my feet were killing me.

"Hey sweetie want some left over soup?" Grandma asked carrying a bowel towards me. I set it on the coffee table and started to rub the other foot.

"Thanks, feet just hurt from today." I said finishing my foot and grabbing the bowel to eat. She handed me some bread with it and went to go get me a glass of water. She sat down beside me and looked at me with concern.

"Are you sure you can do this? It's not to stressful for you or the babies right?" She asked. I finished what was in my mouth before answering.

"I'm fine really. Just had a long day getting some of the rooms ready and that. We have about five more that we need to set up incase any of our people got injured and then we will be ready. You think the trucks with the supplies be here first?" I asked taking another bite.

"Actually they left already and should be here tomorrow in the morning. Then the group will come later in the night. I knew it was going to be stressful to you about the supplies and requested they come earlier than the rest." She said.

"Thank you." I said. I finished up my bowel and she took it away as I finished my glass of water. I kissed her goodnight and went straight to bed after changing into pjs.

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