Chapter Nine

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*****Sexual content you have been warned*****

I woke up to Lance shaking me with a sad smile. I looked at the time to see that it was two in the afternoon. I must've been really tired, than I thought. I sat up stretching my limbs and noticed Lance looking at me with lust. Looking at him confused I looked down to see I slept naked. I didn't want to bother with cloths and just wanted to sleep.

"You know your killing me but we need to go." He said throwing me some cloths. I looked confused as I didn't have any shifts and was just planning on lounging around.

"We need to go to the base. Your Grandma wanted to go over the plans and see what input you had." He sat beside me and I didn't really wanna go I had other plans in mind really. Moving to straddle him, I started to kiss down his neck and tug on his ear lobe.

"You know I have something better in mind." I whispered to him and continued to attack his neck. He groaned and started to tug on my hips. Trailing my fingers down his chest and stopping at the hem of the shirt. I tugged his shirt off with his help a little. I couldn't wait for that cast to get off so it be out of the way.

Getting off him so I could take his pants off, I trailed kisses down his stomach. Once the pants were off with his boxers I took him in my mouth. Twirling my tongue around his head and sliding my tongue down to his balls. He threw his head back and thrusted his hips to go in my mouth. I took him all the way in and went until he was fucking my mouth faster. I couldn't keep up and I needed air. He was getting rough and it was a major turn on, fuck air if this was making him lose control like this. Grabbing onto my hair and tugging on tight, he took a couple more thrusts until he was cumming into my mouth. I swallowed all the cum and began to lick my lips.

"I'm not done with you yet." he said lifting me up to set me down on the bed. He spread my legs and started to kiss my inner thighs. I was squirming and wanted every inch of him. He took my clit between his teeth and tugged a little. My back arched at the sensation, he trailed his tongue lower until it was at my entrance. Licking my folds and sucking. I was squirming and moaning mess. He put two fingers in me as his tongue played with my clit. Tugging on his hair to get him to come up to me.

"No more torture I want you Lance." I whisper as I was feeling like I was out of breath. He smirked and slammed right into me. I moaned loud earning a groan from him. I wrapped my legs around his hips to urge him on. He slid in and out of my folds so easily. I was so wet for him, we were a moaning mess as he fucked me harder and faster. I was getting closer and I could feel he was to as his thrust came a little sloppy.

"Cum for me baby. Cum all over my fucking cock." he whispered next to my ear. That was it for me to let go and cum all over his dick. He's never said anything like that to me before and it really was hot coming from him. He filled me up and once he was done he collapsed on me.

"Can't breath." I said and he started to laugh at me. He moved to the side and slipped out of me. I shudder at the lost contact and started to cuddle next to him for warmth. We laid there for awhile until we got in the shower.

"Can you wash my hair?" I asked turning my back to him. He grabbed my shampoo and massaged my scalp. I moaned and put my head up to help get my head better. After rinsing it out I started to do his hair. He washed my body and I was getting turned on even more. After I got done with his hair I started to work on his body. I went slow around his shoulders and down his chest. Stopping at his happy trail to tease him back. He scooped my breast kneading them. I arched my back making my breast brush his chest.

"Touch me Lance." I moaned as I dropped the rag and started to trail my fingers down to his happy trail and tease him. He inserted two fingers in me making me moan and grab his cock.

"Fuck me please." I was so turned on by little touches. We couldn't get enough of each other and that was good and bad.

"I don't have a condom Rose." he said stepping away from me. I took a step towards him and started to trail a kiss down his next.

"It's okay, just fuck my brains out please. I need you Lance." I said stroking him. I looked up to him and he was hesitant. I grabbed harder and it seemed to get his attention. I got on my knees and took him into my mouth.

"Fuck it." he grabbed my arms and brought me back up. He hooked my left leg around his waist and didn't waste any time slamming into me. I threw my head back and started to meet his thrusts. Lance was kissing down my neck and sucking. I'm sure ill have hickys showing soon, but I didn't care. As I was getting closer he rubbed my clit with his good hand.

"oh god Lance! Right there! I'm going to cum!" I screamed as I came and my walls clenching around him. He started to cum inside me and it was great feeling being connected like this. Skin to skin. He began to wash me again and I did the same.

We got out and started to get dressed for the day. I went downstairs to find something to eat. Realizing that we needed to get some food, I'll just have to go down to the store. Getting a piece of paper and writing a note to Grandma.


Sorry couldn't make it to base I'll go over the plans tomorrow. Going to go shopping for food.


Putting the note on the kitchen counter and heading upstairs to see if Lance would want to go.

"Hey want to go food cruising with? You are the great chef after all." I say when I notice he was in his room sitting on the bed with his face in his hands. Sitting by him I take his hands away.

"what's wrong?" I asked taking his hands in mine. He shook his head and turned towards me.

"I think what we did was a mistake Rose, What if you get pregnant. I can't lose you or the baby if you got pregnant. I'm not ready and I don't think you would be to." He said squeezing my hand. I took a deep breath before answering.

"Lance it was one time being unprotected. There's one in a million chances that I would get pregnant from this one time. You will keep us safe if that ever happens. I know your not ready and I'm not ready either but don't worry. We will see if the store has a plan B pill and we will get it okay?" I said looking at him so he doesn't worry. I know this would suck if we brought a child into this world with this crap going on but a child with Lance sounds amazing, but that would mean I'm selfless to my own child bringing him or her into this world.

He nods his head and follows me into the jeep to go to the store. As we enter the store Lance gets the cart to go to the food area while I head to the pharmacy. I looked around the condoms and pregnancy test to see if they would have the plan B pill around here. Almost giving up I see that pills, so lucky for me. Picking the most effective and getting Lance more condoms, I walk to the food area and try to find Lance.

Finally finding him but noticing Jules is with him. Walking up to him and putting the boxes behind my back so she wouldn't see.

"Hey Rose I was just asking Lance if you would like a double date tonight?" I turned towards Lance to see his reaction. He seemed cool at the moment.

"Sure Lance can cook tonight. If your okay coming over. My grandma will be sleeping sadly or she would join. How about seven o'clock?" I asked and saw a big smile on Jules face. Turning to Lance to see if he agrees he just nods.

"Well its settled, see you tonight Jules." walking off with Lance to the check out to bag everything. I put the boxes into the bags first and started to go through the list to mark how much we took. Smiling at one of the workers and helping us put it in the jeep. We drove off to the house.

"Why would you agree to double date. I thought you hated Jules." Lance asks as he puts stuff away. I shrugged and look for the box to read the instructions when to take the pill. Reading that I could take it now, getting a glass of water to take the pill and walked over to the trash to dispose the box.

"I don't hate her. Yea you slept with her but she seems happy with Tyler so I don't have to worry about her being a threat." I say walking over to him to hug him from behind.

"So she was a threat in the beginning?" he asked turning around. "You know I kind of miss the jealous side of you it's kind of a turn on." He continued.

"I'm going to shower and get ready. I'll be down to help soon with dinner if you like." slapping his ass before heading upstairs.

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