Chapter 16

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The appointment was today and I still haven't told Lance about the baby. There was so many times I wanted to tell him but my fear was making me choke. The past few days have been torture with the morning sickness and heartburn. Lance suspected something was wrong but blew him off every time. I tried to wait until he was gone to throw up in the morning when he leave to start work. He started working for the construction and I'm glad that he gets to do something he loves. I would still eat little at dinner and just tell him I was to tired from work, which was kind of true.

I walked up to the west wing to meet Ashley and do my appointment. I asked if I could do it on my break so it would seem like I'm hanging around with her. She took me into a room and got the sonogram machine ready. She put jell on my stomach and got the wand ready. She circled my stomach and I could see a baseball size spot on the screen.

"So there's the baby and he/she looks healthy. Looks like your about three weeks pregnant." She said pointing to the spot. I couldn't believe it. She took the wand away and gave me some paper towels to clean my stomach.

"I took some pictures for you." She said giving me five pictures. She hugged me and asked how I was doing and if I told Lance yet. Sadly no but I would soon I would hope. She knew it was hard for me and walked me out. I put the pictures in my coat and went back to my shift. Taking a granola bar with me to eat on the way back to my wing. I only had to take care of some children that got sick or needed some shots for their check up.


I walked into the house and smells the most awful thing ever. Going to the kitchen I saw Lance standing by the stove and flipping something.

"Hey I'm making catfish. It will...." He didn't get to finish as I sprinted upstairs to go to the bathroom and puke my guts out. Lance followed and helped me with my hair and rubbing my back. I finished up and washed my mouth out.

"What is wrong? Do we need to go to the hospital and get you checked out?" Lance asked getting frustrated that I keep blowing him off and not telling him what's really wrong. I took his hand and decided I needed to tell him now.

"Seriously why do you keep throwing up and hardly eat? Are you sick?" He asked moving my hair away from my face. I closed my eyes and finally spoke the words that could change everything.

"I'm pregnant." I whispered and I knew he heard me. When I opened up my eyes he stood there shocked. He blinked and walked by me and went to the bedroom. Once he sat down I sat beside him playing with my fingers and wait for him to say something. After a couple more minutes he finally spoke.

"Are you sure? This isn't like the flu or something right?" He asked and I felt a little hurt. He didn't believe me, but I remembered I had the sonogram pictures. Taking them out of my coat I gave them to him. He stared down at the pictures and then looked at me to see if I was kidding.

"I'm three weeks pregnant it seems. The baby is healthy and I have another appointment in two weeks." I said slowly to him so it would get to him. He still looked shocked and it was scaring me.

"How long have you known?" He asked.

"Only for about a week. I took a test at the hospital on my lunch break when I realized that I missed my period." I said playing with my hands. Lance got up and started to rub his neck.

"I need some time." And that was the last thing he said before he left. The tears came and grandma found me after Lance left. I told her what happened the best I could, I was sobbing so hard I be surprised if she heard a single word.


I woke up feeling disoriented, getting up and looking around my room to see if Lance showed up. Not seeing him around or my grandma I walked down stairs to see the kitchen light on. Hurrying up my pace hoping to see Lance back, rounding the corner I stopped when I saw grandma at the table by herself. Sitting down and grabbing a mug and pouring some of the tea she heated up. Going to the table and putting some sugar and honey in it.

"Has he showed up?" I asked the dreadful question. I didn't know if he was ever going to show up and since it was only two in the morning I doubt he would be back at this time. Grandma sighed before she looked at me and answered.

"He came around midnight to get some clothes. He said he was staying at Jules and Tyler's wanting some space." She said looking at me with sympathy, I don't know why it hurt me when she said it. He didn't say he was leaving for good just needed space. That meant he was coming back right?

"Okay." I finished my tea and went back to bed. I decided not to go to the hospital tomorrow and take a shift on Saturday to make up for it. I didn't feel like going I was to drained and I knew I wouldn't be able to fall asleep for a while.

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