Chapter Three

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(Continuation of Chapter Two)

Jisoo's P.O.V

I think I'm really forgetting something important, But I can't recall it. I really have a terrible memory. I groaned internally as I shift in my seat.

I'm on my way to Irene eonni's dorm. I'm going to tell her too and besides I missed her like crazy.

I got off the train station and called her. If I surprised her there's a high chance it might fail and me ending up waiting outside of their dorm and I don't like waiting.

"Eonni, where are you? I'm here at a convenience store near at your university."

"Oh? Sooyah! Okay just wait I'll fetch you there." and she hung up.

I guess I'll just have to wait here. But I hate waiting so I wandered around but not too far from the convenience store so she can spot me.

While I was looking at things in a store, someone hit me softly at the back of my head.

"Yah, I told you to wait for me there! Good thing I found you here. You're still short tempered." she scolded me.

"Eonni! Let's walk around and do shopping." I tugged her to the mall's direction.

"What's with you? The last thing I remembered you hate shopping because you're bad at it and your feet hurts." She tilted her head and asked me.

"I have something to tell you but let's walk for a bit." I looked at her and grinned.

"Yah, do you have someone now?" she teasingly nudged my side.

"Why do all of you assume that? We'll talk about it later when we're finished shopping." I answered her.

We're about to go to the eighth store that we're going to shop in but her stomach grumbled.

"Let's go eat then I'll tell you." I laughed at her and she smiled at me sheepishly.

We walked for a while and found a coffee shop. There are almost no other customer other than two couples and a student who seems to be cramming with his studies resulting us to get our orders fast.

"What are you gonna tell me." She stared at me questioning me.

"I'm gay." I told her without any pressure. The acceptance of our parents encouraged me to do so.

She spitted the coffee that she's drinking and looked at me with disbelief. She sighed and laid her back. "Me too, we're really sisters after all." She smirked at me and her reaction suddenly change into a worried one like she's about to cry.

"What if eomma and appa doesn't accept us? If they disown us it's going to be a really big problem. I haven't told them and maybe they will be furioused of what we are, Jisoo!" she rumbled with so many questions while I just sat comfortably.

"Yah! Why are you so calm?! You're lucky you have so much more confidence than me in this!" She slapped my arms, I just stared at her amused but inside I'm laughing.

This is so entertaining to watch, Is this why eomma and appa just stared at me? I'm getting revenge right now. I know, I'm evil.

"Chill." She's about to slam back at me but I stopped her with saying our parents reaction.

"They're cool with it, I had a talk with them earlier and they accepted me. So it's given that they'll accept you too." She sighed in relief and glared at me.

"And you're just sitting there watching me."

"Don't blame me, they did it to me. I'm just getting a revenge"

"Who made you gay?" She asked me while drinking.

"Don't spit what you're drinking and its Jennie Kim."

"Whoa, aunt Eunha's daughter?" She asked me and I nodded.

"Who made you gay?" I retorded back her question.

"If I figured my feelings for her,you'll be the one who's going to know first." she clicked her tongue.

"You should tell mom and dad you're gay too, so they woudn't get surprised that the're not going to have son-in-law." We giggled at that.

I looked at the clock and I guess we lost track of time.

"It's already midnight, I'm gonna go back now." We stood up and she walked with me in the station.

"Take care of yourself Soo, and call me after you confess to her." I nodded at her.

"Take care too eonni, tell me about your girl after you figured it out." We hugged and parted ways.

I didn't know we stayed there for two hours, It was ten o'clock when we got there. Good thing the cafe is opened till two in the morning.


I'm about to open our dorm's door but I remembered I need my keys because we agreed to always lock the door. I can't find my keys, I think I left it in my bed. I'm just gonna knock, I guess.

After a few knocks it was opened by Jennie. She harshly tugged me in and slapped me, hard. Then hugged me to death. What's wrong with this girl? Is she crazy?

"You jerk! you made us worry about you!"

"Y-You made me worry about you."

She whispered the last sentence but I can hear it clearly. I love this warmth.
I looked at them, Chaeng is crying-so is Lisa, and Jennie? Don't even ask.

"Where have you been? We were so worried about you! You've been gone since breakfast." Lisa scolded me. Hey! I thought I'm the oldest here.

Ah! I forgot to call them that I went home! That's the thing that's been bugging me! I face-palmed myself mentally as I remembered why I feel like I'm forgetting something earlier.

"Oh, I forgot to call you guys that I went home, please don't cry." I comforted them and the three of them hugged me. Such kids they are.

"Don't do that again." Chaeng whispered at me and I just looked at her then nodded.

"Okay, let's go to bed kids! I'll give you candies if you stop crying." I talked to them as if they're kids-well to me, they are. They just looked at me dryly with their puffed eyes.

They didn't ride my joke, maybe I should disappear again. They really got worried about me. Lisa is not a cry baby so it surprised me when I saw her crying, What did they thought of? That I was kidnapped? Or I ran away? If I could laugh right now I would, but the slap that Jennie gave me earlier stings when I move my face or poke it. I forgot to put an ice pack, surely it will bruise tomorrow. But I'm too tired to get up.

I wonder what step do I need to take now? I'll talk with Chaeng about this. Maybe she can help me.

I sighed and drift off to dreamland.

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