Chapter Twenty Four

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Third person's view

Jisoo is confused,

Very confused.

The purple haired girl is flustered to why is a stranger hugging her tightly like they knew each other and they haven't been together for a long time.

She akwardly distanced herself to the woman whose slighty shorter than her. She smiled and scratched her head.

"I'm sorry, but do I know you?" She politely asked the woman infront of her who is still smiling.

"Aren't you Jaesu? Yah, are you pranking and joking with me again?" The stranger laughed and slapped the latter's arm lightly.

"Uhh, I'm not Jaesu, you problaby got the wrong person." She was slightly getting annoyed, the reasons are being: she wanted to go to Jennie already, and she wanted to rest already.

The woman checked her phone and looked at Jisoo then at her phone again, a blush crept through her cheeks and she immediately bowed to Jisoo.

"I'm sorry! I mistook you as someone I was gonna meet!" The girl still had the pink tint on her cheeks, embarrassed enough not to look at Jisoo's eyes.

"It's okay, I need to go though. Goodluck on finding Jaesu." Her long temper came back and she laughed a little at the name the girl was saying.

It's a little close to my name, but I think that hug earlier just crushed my arms. She must miss that Jaesu that much.

After the scene with the brunette that hugged-crushed her to her tiny arms, she quickly texted her parents that she had already landed and was gonna go home to their dorm.

Next thing she did was call Chaeng, to inform her and Lisa that she was gonna come home to them now. But she instructed them to not tell Jennie as she would surprise her.

Before hailing a cab and giving directions, Jisoo decided to buy something for her. A stuffed toy unicorn and black roses to be exact.

It perfectly represents Jennie, she can be savage and cold but she wants to be taken care of too, Inshort she's an aegi. Her aegi.

Her body was getting cold due to nervousness, her hands is shaking heavily and tiny spots of sweat can be spotted on her forehead.

She finally arrived at their dorm, she stopped at the front door and chewed her inner cheeks as she touched the couple ring she had with Jennie, she didn't remove it up to now.

Taking a deep breath, she twisted the door knob and got inside the dorm, slowly closing the door and turning her head to the living room.

But what welcomed her made her shocked too, pillows are lying around, some things are on the floor. Some chips is opened and on the couch.

It was messy.

Quietly cleaning all the mess that are displayed infront of her, she shaked her head and smiled like a fool.

I missed being an eonni.

The heart shaped lips girl finished and looked around, being contented at her work. She sneaked her way on her and Jennie's shared room.

As soon as she entered the room, she noticed a big lump on the bed. suspecting it was Jennie, she removed the blankets covering the figure's face, and indeed she was right that it was her mandu.

Being surprised to a puffy eyes welcoming her, she gasped and immediately blocked her mouth with her hand, afraid to wake her up. But she failed as a enchanting brown eyes that she loved so much is now staring back at her.

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