Chapter One

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Jisoo's P.O.V

"Come here, Kuma." I cooed as i
I called Kuma. I'm hanging around in Jennie's room since she told me to play and feed while she's gone.
Jennie went to her hometown to visit her eomma today so it's just the three of us, Rosé and Lisa watching television in the living room.

"Let's go to your aunties." I decided to join the maknaes at the living room.

Wondering why I called the maknaes Kuma's aunt? Well, let's just say that in my head, I'm his other mom beside Jennie, which makes the two maknae his aunties. I've been liking Jennie-more like whipped for her, since I don't know when. But I don't have the guts to confess, Rosé is the only one who knows about this, she's always observant so she noticed the way I look at the other girl.

"Jisoo eonni." Lisa used her aegyo while I scrunched up my nose. Rosé watched us looking amused.

"Stop doing that, Lalisa." I frown at Lisa as I plop down the sofa.

"I'm so hungry, let me get some snacks." Lisa stormed off, leaving the two of us.

After the maknae left, the chipmunk scooted over beside me and shot me a knowing look.

"Eonni, how are you? Do you plan to tell her what you feel? Or you're just gonna let her go without knowing if she'll return your feelings?" Rosé attacked me with her questions.

"Honestly, I don't know Chaeng. What if she doesn't like me like that? I don't want to waste our friendship, it will be akward if you're around the girl who rejected you-it will affect her friendship with the two of you, too. I'm scared that will happen, so I will just shut up with this feelings inside me." I finished in one breath.

She stared at me in awe and admiration, but it felt like she was flooding me with sympathy.

"Jisoo eonni, please be selfish just once, you're always thinking our feelings when you don't even check what you'll feel. Please don't hurt yourself." I sighed and hugged Rosé who got teary-eyed.

"Don't worry, I'll overcome this. I'm Jisoo, I'm okay." I assured her.

I should be strong, I don't want them to worry about me. I'm the oldest so I should put them first before me.

I thought as I smiled at the phrase I once said they when we were in Thailand. Rosé just hugged me more tightly.

Lisa shortly returned after our small conversation. "Whoa Jisoo eonni, what did you do to Chaeng." Lisa asked while she chuckled at the two of us.

"Hey I didn't made her cry! The drama did!" I jokingly told the maknae.

Lisa took a glance at the television, raised one of her eyebrow and asked,

"When did Spongebob became a drama?"

'Shoot. Come on Jisoo! Think of a reason why Chaeng got teary-eyed!' I panicked inside as I think of a lie-I was never comfortable with lying, specially to anyone who's close to me.

To my relief, Rosé anwered Lisa's question.

"I switched the channels before I completely cried, I didn't know it switched to that." Rosé laughed at her lie.

"Okay then, let's cuddle!" The maknae jumped at the two of us, literally.

'I wonder what time Jennie will get home? I hope she doesn't notice that I'm not acting the same with the maknaes.'

'I wonder what she'll feel if I confess to her? Will she be disgusted by me? Does she feel the same? Do I need to leave our dorm so she can have her space?' I sighed deeply as my thoughts are flooded with questions and I don't know if it will be answered.

I felt my cheeks being poked by someone, I was about about to scold the one who's poking me but when I turned my head I just met the person who I'm slowly falling with.

"What are you thinking? I've been calling you for the past two minutes
but you just stare at midair absentmindedly, do you have a problem?" Jennie asked, looking worried.

"Nope, I'm just missing my mom." I lied smoothly, I've been doing this for a while now-And I can say I'm getting better at this.

"You know we're here for you eonni" she softly smiled at me. I think I just died.

"How's your eomma? You should rest." Lisa asked her.

Maybe I should step up my game? What am I thinking?! She just asked her-no need to be jealous, She's not even yours to begin with.

"Let's eat, I bought food for us on the way here." Jennie showed us a bucket of chicken.

I didn't know perfection could fit into that gucci shirt and skinny jeans, plus the chicken that she's holding, she's so pre-

"Hey eonni, stop day dreaming. You're too obvious that it will blow your cover up." Rosé nudged me and smirked.

We finished our dinner fast and washed the dishes. After that, we got into our separate rooms.

I'm with Jennie while the maknaes are with each other.

"I'm gonna take a shower, do you want to go first?" I asked Jennie as she plopped down in her bed, she just shaked her head and signalled me to go first, she's that tired huh.

I finished my shower quickly since I really wanna go to sleep. I'm tired but I didn't even do anything. That's Kim Jisoo for you.

I shaked Jennie lightly when I found her sleeping, she always shower before going to bed.

"Okay, I'm up." she shot her eyes up and glared at me. Geez I just woke her up. oh well,she doesn't like it when her sleep is interupted.

I lied down in my bed and closed my eyes for around a few minutes. I heard the door being opened indicating that she finished her shower.

"Goodnight Jennie." I faced her and smiled.

"Goodnight Jisoo eonni." She smiled back and closed her eyes.

Before I drift off to sleep, I thought of the thing that I always say to myself for the past few months.

This is just a pace, I'll make sure of that.

Or I will atleast try to get over her.

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