Chapter Five

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Rosé's P.O.V

In the past fews days, Jisoo eonni changed. She wouldn't talk to us-it's scaring me, she turned cold and looked lifeless. What scares me the most is I can't read the emotion in her eyes, it was blank;nothing to show but emptiness. I was an observant person and I'm really close to her. This all happened after the day she told me she would confess to Jennie eonni. I wonder what happened?

That's it, I'm losing my temper. She's gonna talk to me either she like it or not.

Lisa's P.O.V

I was playing games in my mobile when Chaeng sat next to me, she got this problematic face-maybe because of Jisoo's eonni's state right now. But still, she looks pretty. I'm so confused in what's happening right now, it feels like I'm the only one who's clueless here. Jennie eonni seems lost, so is Jisoo eonni; but much more worst since we can't even talk to her properly and Rosé is having a worried face and here I'm just playing games like a kid.

"Do you know where Jisoo eonni is? Is she in her room?" Chaeng suddenly asked me. I haven't seen Jisoo eonni get out of her room so I nodded. Jennie eonni is on the rooftop right now, I guess she wanted some fresh air. Chaeng stood up when I answered and stormed of to the eonni line's room.

Look at that long legs-what the hell am I thinking? When it comes to her I become like that. It's weird.

Jennie's P.O.V

I'm still thinking of what Jisoo told me earlier days after her confession. This is the first time i've seen her like that. I don't know what to feel about it.

"J-Jisoo eonni, w-what are you doing?" I stuttered, she's pinning my arms over my head and our body is pressed together. She suddenly pinned me to the wall after I got out of the bathroom. Here face is so near to mine-so near that I can feel her hot breathe.

"Look what you have done to me Jennie, you're making me crazy." she whispered huskily. She got nearer and stopped when her mouth was beside my ears.

"Reject me all you want, I'm not giving up just yet. I'm going to make you mine, Jennie-ssi." she then let go of me and smirked at me then left our room.

W-what was that? I feel like my face is burning, I need some air.

That's how I got here. Jisoo eonni is very like-able, if there is a word like that; the problem is, I'm straight as a pole. I don't deserve her and I hurt her.

Rosé's P.O.V

I got inside their room immediately when Lisa told me Jisoo is still in their room. I found her lying on her bed and staring in the ceiling.

"Yah! My temper is running low, tell me what happened." I forced her to tell me what happened, she gave up after I nagged her many times. She told me everything, the weird thing is she's not crying;just staring blankly at me. I know what she's trying to do, she's covering it up.

"She rejected me, Chaeng. Now where's your tissues? I told you to be with tissues when she rejects me." she told me jokingly, And she's back.

"I missed you eonni, you finally collected your thoughts after days of sulking and ignoring all of us." she looked at me and grinned.

"I'm going to make her mine, just wait." she smirked. She then told me that she needed some space so I gave her that, she's finally back. I wonder what is she thinking?

Jisoo's P.O.V

After Chaeng got out of our room, Jennie then got out of the bathroom. What's with this girl? She's always at the bathroom, Is she on her period?

I aggressively pinned her to the wall and looked right into her eyes and neared my face to hers.

'J-Jisoo eonni, w-what are you doing?" she stuttered. I thought she doesn't like me,what happened with that? Did the tables suddenly turned?

"Look what have you done to me Jennie, you're making me crazy." I whispered huskily.

"Reject me all you want, I'm not giving up just yet. I'm going to make you mine, Jennie-ssi." I then let go of her and smirked then left our room. Where did I found the guts to do that? I then told Lalisa that I'm going out to the store near our dorm, she just nodded and told me to buy her some candies. Aish this kid.

I rushed to the store and bought some soju and candies for the maknae, I need a drink or two. I got to the cashier and paid. This girl looks interesting, she has a pink hair and she looks pretty. I noticed her name plate and read it. 'Kang Seulgi' I would totally date her, but I already have my Jennie, not yet but i'll make her mine.

I got back in our dorm and tossed Lisa the candies she ask me to buy for her. I got into our room and got a blanket and a pillow, I noticed Jennie is staring at me, I smirked at her then winked. I ran up to the rooftop and settled my drinks there. I laid the blanket and pillow then sat.

Before I knew it, I was on my fourth drink, okay I lost track of time and I bought four soju and a beer, and now I'm tipsy and drunk. But I know I still know what I'm doing. I heard some walked near me, I looked up and saw Lalisa.

"Yah eonni, you look drunk." she laughed at me and I patted the space near me signalling her to sit. I hand her over the beer.

"What? It's not that strong, sometimes you need alcohol in your system." she accepted and opened it.

I found myself saying what happened to me that's why I changed for awhile. I explained everything to her including when I confessed to Jennie.
She looked at me and gasped.

"Oh my god, my ship is sailing!" she sqealed like a fangirl, she was shaking me harshly but remembered that I was rejected. She looked at me then grinned.

"Yah! Include me in your plan! I'll help you get her!" she chirped happily.

"You like Chaeyoung don't you?" I asked her all of the sudden and it caught her red handed. She blushed like crazy then looked at me.

"I-I think so eonni, but I need to make sure of it, I don't want her to be hurt or me." she stumbled in her words and I nodded at her.

"Chaelisa, It will be your ship name. I'm so smart." I nudged her and she giggled.

"Jensoo, It's cute and awesome, right?" we giggled like kindergartners. Our night ended filled with laughter.

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