Chapter Eighteen

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Jennie's P.O.V

I poked Jisoo's cheeks a multiple times for her to wake up, which I successfully did as I heard her groaned and tried to block my hands from poking her cheeks again.

"Stooop." She yawned and rubbed her eyes, I watched her as she slowly adjusted her eyes on the sunlight that is peeking through the curtains.

"Get up! I already planned something for today, I know you'll enjoy it! And it's our last day here so let's enjoy it and buy a lots of stuff and souvenir!" I chirped joyfully and she sat up, causing me to fall over since I was hovering. But she's fast enough to pull me, causing for me to sit on her lap.

"You're joyful right now, what happened?" She chuckled and I wrapped my arms on her neck.

"Because I wanna go enjoy our last day here, and maybe to mock Lisa by getting a selfie with Mona Lisa at a museum here in France, which is our first destination!" I laughed evilly at my plan.

"And I thought you wanted to travel and be with me, so disappointing Jennie-ya." She snorted and pouted.

"Nah, I just wanted to check on them." I reasoned out but she's not having any of it. She stood up and got into the bathroom, I hear the faint sound of the shower so I guess she's taking a bath. I guess I'm gonna order our breakfast now?

Meanwhile inside the bathroom

Jisoo rubbed her eyes to get rid of her tears, she was crying. Not because she was sad over the fact that mocking Lisa is better than enjoying the scenery with. She was crying because she only has one whole day and a few hours to be with Jennie. She was going to fulfill her promise; to not bother Jennie again after seven days of dating her.

She went inside with her phone, so she contacted her father.

"Hey dad, how it's been there?" She managed to pull a fake smile, as if her father's gonna see it.

"It's okay here, what's wrong Chu? Anything wrong?" Her father asked, sensing something was wrong.

"Can I take a job from you? Like after our vacation, give me a job. Anything that contains paper jobs and travelling?" She asked, there was a long silence after she said it.

"Okay then, but why? I thought you guys are taking a break after graduating college?" He wondered, remembering that they wanted to rest after studying.

"I wanna have experience before you give me that positon, we all know you're going to pass that to me since eonni refused, right?" She partly lied, and fortunately, he believed her.

"Okay then, I'll be sending you to Tokyo and have meetings there. Don't worry, I'll send a trustworthy secretary for you, she'll guide you." He assured her.

"Okay dad, thank you. Take care and always eat well!" With that, Jisoo hung up and sighed deeply.


They arrived at the museum smoothly, the guide keeps on rambling and explaining things but Jisoo didn't seem to mind, as long as Jennie was enjoying it, she was fine.

A few walks and talks here and there, they finally arrived at a masterpiece painted by the one and only, Leonardo da Vinci.

"Here lies the most famous artwork of Leonardo da Vinci, Mona Lisa!" The guide ecstatically introduced the painting.

The visitors lined up one by one to examine the painting, making a chance for Jennie to take a selfie with it.

Jisoo watched her and smiled, but it didn't reach her eyes, it was fake.

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