Chapter Ten

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Lisa's P.O.V

In the past few days on our stay on this house, I've been clingy as hell to Rosie, our eonni's noticed it and now they are interrogating me.

"Yah Lalisa! What's happening to you?" Jennie eonni eyed me sharply.

"Yeah, what's happening to you." Jisoo eonni repeated what she said. Jennie looked at her with a 'what the fuck are you doing' look. She already knew that I figured my feelings now even though we haven't had a talk about it, I can feel that she was observing my action towards our crybaby.

"Okay look, I like Chaeng and I'm taking it slow to show that I like her when she's that innocent." I sighed deeply and averted my eyes to the sky. Jennie was just quiet, she was thinking by the looks of it.

"Then just confess to her, you have higher chance of not being rejected unlike my unlucky ass." Jisoo eonni joked while she was smirking to me and Jennie. She was startled by what the older woman has said.

"What? Don't look at me like that, I'm melting." she teased while the younger blushed. But I can easily see through her, she was hurting inside. The frown and sadness is eating her from the inside. I hope she gets better. She deserves better than all of us, she has been taking care of us since I could remember.

"I honestly don't know what to do know, I'll take her outside later and I'll just go with the flow. Don't follow us!" I shot them a glare and they just shrugged. Oh come on.

"Goodluck then, don't go crying when she rejects you." Jennie eonni said it without thinking of our eonni's feelings. I swear I'm going to strangle this girl.

We watched her get down at the stairs. I heard eonni sighed heavily.

"I'm hurting inside, Pokpak. What should I do?" she said while looking up at the skies. It was turning grey, indicating that its going to rain. I can't take her outside today, maybe we'll just cuddle.

"Eonni, maybe you should forget her, don't make yourself hurt over and over again. But she blushed earlier when you teased her, maybe she developed something towards you?"
I answered her then she looked at me.

"Really, maknae? Earlier you said I should forget her then now you're like that. But I'll take the second option thank you." She jokingly nudged me then throwed her arms around my shoulder.

"What are you still doing here? Go get your Park Chaeyoung!" she pushed me away from her.

"Okay, you're going to be here?" I asked her then she nodded. I bid my goodbye to her and got down.

I went on my to Chaeng who's sitting on the couch and playing with Dalgom. We hadn't noticed this dog earlier, maybe he's outside or in other rooms. This house is big anyways, It should be called a mansion.

"Chaeng-ah, do you want to watch movies?" I asked her then propped down beside her.

"Sure, what movie tho? Disney?" she asked me while still playing with Dalgom.

"You choose while I get our food, sounds good?" I stated then she just smile then hurried to go choose what we're going to watch while I got to the kitchen. The citizens on this house except the four of us are out. They're checking out some bitch, I mean beach because they said they like to do this often.

I sat down beside the long haired girl. Sadako? The intro was already playing when I sat beside her. Dalgom is nowhere to be found, maybe wandering around this house again.

Us watching includes me glancing at her everynow and then and her watching the movie intently.

"Chaeng," I called her subconsciously while she hummed questioning why I called her. I caressed her hair then cupped her face.

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