Chapter Nine

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Jennie's P.O.V

I could feel someone's hot breathe as I wake up. Their legs tangled with mine and arms wrapped in my waist. I slowly opened my eyes and I saw Jisoo's sleeping face near me. My breathe hitched because of the non-existent gap of our faces. She looks so peaceful, I wondered why I rejected her in the first place. I actually feel safe when she's around me. I'm guessing she's confused because of my actions. I don't know what I'm doing either.

I caressed her cheeks and I kissed her forehead.

"I'm sorry for hurting you Jisoo-yah, but you deserve better than me." I shut my eyes closed and slept again.

Jisoo's P.O.V

I heard everything she said. I was just fake sleeping to see what she will do if she wakes up to this. I'm forcing myself not to smile like a fool earlier when she showed her affectionate side while she thought I'm sleeping.

What did she meant by I deserve better? She's wrong, I deserved the best-and she is the best. I was just staring at her for two whole hours while she was sleeping. She fluttered her eyes open and met mine. I smiled at her.

"Goodmorning, Jendeukie." I greeted her.

"Morning, and what Jendeukie? Your new nickname for me?" she asked me.

"Uhuh, you're very clingy huh." I smirked at her while her eyes widen when she looked on our tangled body. She pushed me off of my bed.

She's strong as hell. My head bumped against the floor. I think I just saw the stars. Is the god already reaching to me? My body hurts oh god, save me from the beast.

"Shit, my head." I cursed while groaning loadly as I rub my head. I can't feel anything but pain in my head.

Jennie rushed to me and touched my head and she gasped. I guess a bump is already forming.

Jennie's P.O.V

I gasped when I saw her head, there's a bump forming already. I looked at her with worry in my eyes.

"I didn't mean to, I'm so sorry" I looked at her and she just smiled at me. Can this girl get angry at me for awhile? I hurt her and she smiles like this. If I was the one in her position, I'd punch the one who kicked me out of bed. But she's too nice.

"I thought I saw stars when my head hit the floor, but when I looked at you I already saw heaven." she smirked at me while I slapped her arms. I helped her to get up.

"What time is it?" she randomly asked.

I glanced at the wall clock beneath the door. "6 in the morning, why? Do you have something to do?" I asked her and she nodded her head.

"I'm gonna go to Moonsun's, I'm gonna visit them. It's been awhile since I saw them, wanna come?" she invited me while I just refused cause my abdomen hurts like hell. She noticed me wincing.

"Are you okay? Do you have a fever or something?" she asked me, her eyes full of concern. I stood up too quickly making me dizzy, Jisoo was fast enough to catch me before I plant my face to the floor. We ended up in hugging position.

"Jisoo-ssi." I shyly called her which is new. She seemed surprised because her body tensed up.

"Hmm?" she hummingly asked.

"Do you have some-you know. I think I'm having my period." I sheepishly told her while she unwrapped her arms around me. I already missed her warmth. Wait, what am I thinking?!

"It's your time of the month huh, I have some-you know stuff at the bathroom." she teased me while I punched her arms lightly.

While I was in the bathroom, I heard her shout.

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