Chapter Six

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Third Person's P.O.V

Today is a boring day for the rest of them, they got tired of what they usually do. They have nothing to do, they we're just lying around the living room. Silence was engulfing them, all they can hear is the chirping of birds and the ambience of the busy city outside of the dorm. Lisa then broke the silence.

"Argh, I'm so bored." she groaned.

"Do you guys want to get out and chill? Let's go somewhere." Chaeng suggested and they nodded.

"We should go to the amusement park, I've been wanting to go there. It's been a long time since we visited there." Jennie suggested and Jisoo spoke.

"While walking around the amusement park we'll eat, sounds good?" Jisoo asked for their approval and they all showed her a thumbs up.

"Let's get dressed then, let's go!" Lisa shouted while jumping around.

Jisoo's P.O.V

I wore my comfortable clothes today, a.k.a oversized sweater with matching pants.

After all of us finished getting dressed, we got out of our dorm and walked to the amusement park, it's not that far, we walked for ten minutes and arrived at our destination.

The amusement park was filled with people; but not too many. We rushed to the rides and suggested what we will ride first.

"Let's ride the roller coaster! Or bumping cars!" We agreed on getting on the roller coaster first. More like them agreeing to it, I just couldn't refuse since I'll look like a coward and I want to impress Jennie, I might even puke later if I can't stand it anymore.

To my dissapointment, Jennie picked the first front sit in the roller coaster while the maknaes sat behind us. I'm sweating bullets, I hope Jennie won't notice it. We started to buckle our seat belts and Jennie noticed my discomfort. She looked at me weirdly and asked me if I was okay, I just nodded while smiling akwardly. Way to go Kim Jisoo. I thought sarcastically.

The roller coaster started moving and everybody was screaming their lungs out. We we're at the peak of the highest rails when it stopped at the top slowly. What the? Are we about to get stuck in here?

Just then, it moved down rapidly and all I can hear is Jennie's scream right into my ears while I just sit here and gripped the handle as if my life depends on it. I think i'm going to puke now, please end this misery or I will die early. As if the gods heard my prayers, our ride came to an end.

We got off our seats and I bent down while my hands are on my knees, I inhaled deeply. My head hurts from nausea ugh.

"You okay eonni?" Lisa walked beside me, I shaked my head.

"Yo maknae, carry me. I think I'm getting old quickly." she then bent down and I jumped in her back.

We saw a basketball game and decided to be grouped into two, Lisoo and Chaennie. Whoever loses will carry the winners back home.

We lost, Now I have to carry one of them. I then looked at Lisa and whispered. "You carry Chaeng,I'll carry Jen." she nodded.

"Let's play those archery and shooting games" Chaeng pulled us to the booth and I got off Lisa's back. We bet who's gonna have the lowest points will treat us food. Rosé got the lowest points which is surprising but what's more surprising is Lisa has the highest points. I then nudged Lisa.

"Go with her, do your moves." I whispered to her and we smirked at each other. They stormed off, leaving just me and Jen. She was looking at the claw machines, I guess she wanted one of the plushies?

"Eonni, let's play those crane games. I want that teddy stuffed toy." I agreed with her and we bought some tokens.
She aimed to get the bear one she was talking about earlier, but instead-she got the pikachu beside it. She pouted when she didn't get what she wanted.

"This is not too bad, It's better than nothing." she shrugged it off and wandered around other crane machines. I hurried to get the brown bear she wanted and I got it on my third try. I'll trade with her. besides, I like pikachu. I saw her playing another games, she was too focused and I tapped her back. She was startled and lose at what she was playing.

"Yah Kim Jisoo! I was about to win it!" she scolded me. The toy was in my back so she can't see it yet. I slowly showed it to her face and her eyes twinkled when she saw it.

"Wanna trade with me?" I smirked at her and she nodded hastily. She gave me the pikachu and I gave her the bear plushy.

"Let's sit there, I'm tired." Just on time, the maknaes found us and put down our food. We ate and chit chatted, after we finished we just sat.

"Chaeng, let's go to the place we stumbled across earlier. It looks good there, let's take pictures." and they left us, again.

"Jen, do you want some milk ice cream? I'll buy while you sit here, don't go anywhere." She nodded at me and played with her mobile.

I was looking for an ice scream store when I stumbled across a store that sells wig and bucket hats. I don't actually need this, but I'll buy it.
I bought a short wig and a black bucket hat. I tied my hair into a bun and put the wig and then the bucket hat. Gosh, I look like a man. I'm so hot.

I then proceeded to find an ice cream store, I found one near me. I bought the ice cream and walked back to where Jennie is.

Jennie's P.O.V

It's been a few minutes since eonni left, I'm getting bored and I want my ice cream. Just then, a guy sat infront of me.

"What are you doing here alone, beautiful?" he smirked at me.

"Sitting, isn't it obvious or you're just dumb? I remarked sarcastically.

"Ooh feisty, I like it" he grinned, he looks stupid.

"You know, let's go somewhere" he smirked evily. Oh no, Jisoo where the hell are you, I swear I'm going to strangle you if you don't come now.

Jisoo's P.O.V

I saw Jennie was talking to a boy. Who the hell is he? Jennie looked annoyed while the boy was smirking at her. I ran to where they are when I saw the boy was about to grab Jennie's wrist.
Luckily, I got there on time.

"What the hell are you doing boy?" I deepened my voice as if I'm a man.

"Who're you? Mind your own business and find your own girl." he stated at me looking annoyed.

"You see, this girl right here," I pointed at Jennie and wrapped my arms around her body. "Is my girlfriend, so back off kid. You woudn't want to end things brutally, don't you?" I threatened him, he looked away then scoffed and stomped away. I don't blame him, I looked like satan himself when I glare sharply.

"One milk ice cream for my beautiful girlfriend." I winked and teased her. She just rolled her eyes on me.

"I swear I'm going to strangle you to death if you didn't come earlier. And what's with your look? A wig and a bucket hat? Really?" she looked at me amused.

The two maknaes got back after we finished eating our ice cream, they were eating tteokbokki.

"You look like a boy, eonni. But for some weird reason, it kinda fits you. What do you think, Lisa?" Chaeng turned her head to Lisa and they nodded.

"Where'd you get that tho? I want one too." Lisa touched my bucket hat and wig. I slapped her hand lightly and she pouted at me.

"You can borrow it next time, it's very very useful you see." I smirked at Jennie meaningfully, the maknaes just stared confusingly.

"Let's go home now, my feet are killing me." I complained.

"You're not getting away with carrying one of us eonni." Jennie scolded me and I groaned.

"Okay then, get on my back." I bent down and she got on my back. Lisa was already carrying Chaeng so we walked away from the amusement park.

Well, that's how we survived our boredom today.

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