Chapter Thirteen

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Jisoo's P.O.V

"You really think I'm falling for you?" Jennie asked, looking amused.

"I guess so?" I grinned at her.

"What makes you think of that?" she smirked at me while seductively walking towards me. Damn.

"Hmm, don't know either." I keep on looking at her.

She made her way to me and cupped my face with her one hand while the other one is making random circles on my back.

"You're cocky, you really think of that eh?" she keeps on caressing me. What's wrong with her?

"Uhuh." I was about to cup her face when her face smirked meaningly and it felt like her eyes are piercing on mine.

"Well think again!" she shouted near my ears and I felt a sting on my back. I can feel something warm dripping. I slowly reach where the stinging sensation is.

The warm liquid dripping behind me is my blood, and Jennie stabbed me.

"J-jen? What's this?" I asked her while sweating badly.

"I just stabbed you, chu" she smiled at me sickly. She was getting something in her back pockets. I stared at her, not immediately processing what she said.

"And now, I'm gonna shoot you" she pointed a gun towards my direction.

All I can feel is the blood dripping on my back and my heart beating loudly as a drum. I watched her slowly pull the trigger and I closed my eyes, accepting my death caused by her.


I jumped off of my bed, sweating profusely and my breath ragged as hell. What was that dream?

"You okay Chu? Did you have a nightmare?" Jennie asked me, having a worried expression.

"What the hell!" I was caught off guard when she spoke because I thought I was the only person in this room, and that weird and sick dream too.

"Oh sorry." she giggled and hugged me.

"Jen, I had a dream" I hugged her back.

"I figured. It seems bad, what did you dream about?" she looked at me and played with my hair.

"You." I said poking her nose.

"Me? In your dream? Not to mention a nightmare?" she scrunched up her beautiful face.

"Uhuh, you stabbed me and the next thing you were pointing a gun on me then shoot me, that's were I woke up." I explained to her.

"That's so random though, why would you dream of me killing you?" she laughed like a lunatic.

"Jen, seriously you're creeping me out." I shuddered at that thought.

"I'm just teasing you." she faced me and poked my cheeks.

"Good morning, Jendeukie." I warmly smiled and kissed the tip of her nose. I think I'm getting bolder everyday.

She just hummed and wrapped her arms around my neck.

"Yaaaaaaah!" An orange headed girl barged her way in on our room and jumped on us.

"Chaeng! Control your damn girl!" I screamed out of frustration.

"Sorry eonni! Lisa comeback here!" a brunette stood beside our door, crossing her arms while scoldingly looking at Lisa.

"What's up girls! Get ready within one hour cause we're gonna get tan on the beach!" Jin greeted us and I gave him a thumbs up.

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