Chapter Twenty

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Author's P.O.V

That day and time finally came, the day that scared Jisoo the most; it finally came to her. It was haunting her, she can't escape any further.

Jisoo lies awake on their share bedroom-with Jennie. She decided to go to the living room, but first, she needed to untangle Jennie's body with hers. It took sometime but she quickly replaced 'her body' with a pillow which the other girl abruptly hugged.

She sneaked out of their dorm, and change her mind, she got to the rooftop instead. She fished her phone out of her pocket and quickly called her father.

"Dad, when is my flight to Tokyo?" she asked her appa for details.

"Actually Chu, I'm sorry I forgot to tell you but it's actually 2AM." Her father said, seemingly sorry for not telling her sooner, but Jisoo didn't mind it.

She checked the time on her phone.

12:42 AM

"But can you manage to pack up within one hour? I'm gonna send you and my secretary to our private plane but I already informed them to take off at exactly two in the morning." Her father said in one breath, sounding sorry for not telling Jisoo about the work she wanted to do.

"It's okay dad, you know me, I don't take things like that for long, mind if I go now? I'll see you later, Goodnight and take care always." She answered and hanged up.

Jisoo quickly packed her things, but she has to be careful on what she's doing. One person to wake up can blow her plan up.

After shoving anything she needed in the baggage, she wrote a letter, two to be exact, one that sticks on the refrigerator, one sticks in their shared room; one for Jennie.

She left the house with a heavy heart and a heavy bag, their family driver already waiting for her outside.


Jisoo arrived at their house, her parents welcoming her.

She chose to have a bath there, since taking a bath back to the dorm is a suicide mission if she wanted to be quiet and not accidentally wake up anyone.

"Something's wrong, am I right?" Her parents sat infront of her. She sighed, she knew that it's useless hiding it now.

She want to tell everything what happend between them, every little detail, so she did it, she told them everything.

"Jisoo-ya, why are you hurting your self like this?" Her mother has tears on her beautiful face, same with her fathers handsome one.

"I'll be okay, I promise. That's why I'm gonna work now, maybe the pain will be gone if I do this." Jisoo smiled sadly, knowing that this might not work.

"Promise us, take care of yourself. We'll be here to guide you Chu, when you no longer can bear the pain, you can always come to eomma and appa baby girl, always." With that statement, she poured her eyes out. She was quickly engulf by the most comforting thing since she was a child.

It was her parent's hug, the best medicine she can take from now on.


They we're now on the small port that their family owned, the private plane lies there.

Jisoo's parents wanted to come with her and check if they are all settled, they will be following them next week, since her father has to go on some different kind of meeting around South Korea.

All the crew and the other people are now inside the plane, it's just Jisoo and her parents along with their guards.

"Remember your promise Chu, we love you dear." Her eomma reminded her which she responded by noding.

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