Chapter Fifteen

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Jennie's P.O.V



"Jennie Kim"


This has been going on for five minutes, straight. Jisoo is nagging me because of what happened at the club, when a guy gripped my wrist and she wasn't there to 'protect' me. And she already forgot that I forgived her last night, and now I'm pretending to be angry at her over that.

"My Mandu?"


"Aigoo, my mandeukie is being angry with me." She cooed and back hugged me and sniffed my neck. She likes to do that, kinda like her kink? I've been noticing it but I shrugged it of. Oh dear heavens what am I thinking about.

"Stop." I said sternly and she obliged, she made her way infront of me and kneeled, to level her eyes into mine since I'm sitting. She held my hand and squeezed it, she looked over me and examined my face. I think I'm melting.

"Hmm, you said you want Gucci, a milk icecream and the two of us having a vacation back at the beach at Jeju, right?" She listed it off and I just raised my eyebrows at her.

"So what?" I stared at her and replied coldly.

"Let's do all of it, right now. What do you think? Will you be forgiving me if I did all of that now?" She smiled at me softly while I pretended to think.

"You won't able to do that, as in right now? Sure you can do the first two but the latter? I don't think so." I challenged her which made her smirk. She's planning something, I can feel it.

"Oh well, maybe I'm just gonna go with Nayeon at France." she said standing up and pulling something from her back pockets, it was two plane tickets. Ha! I knew it!

"Wait, did you plan this?" I eyed her sharply and she shrugged.

"I swear if you go with Nayeon, I'll delete all of your games and set your PS4 on fire, what do you think?" It was my turn to smirk and she looked at me horrified.

"You know I'm just kidding, I'd rather sulk at my room instead of going to City of Love with the one I don't love" she clicked her tongue. Romantic-ass, whoever this girl marries is lucky.

"Let's pack our things then, wait, do they know about this?" I said referring to our parents, and the rest of the people in the house.

"They approved, and uncle Jiyoung, aunt Dara and Jin already left earlier, they already said they're just gonna stay with us for a few days, and the maknaes are heading of to Australia for Lisa to formally asked Chaeng's parents about courting her." she said while playing something on her phone.

Our maknae is finally grown up huh? That's hard to imagine but oh well, who wouldn't change for an angel like our softie Chaengie.

"Let's pack our things then." I announced and we went to her room, Oh wait, I just brought very few clothes here since I didn't know we'd be staying here that long, and I always steal Jisoo's clothes and she doesn't seem to mind.

"What am I supposed to pack? I don't have clothes here." I whined.

"Go to my walk in closet and choose anything you like, then pack it. And you guys have been stealing my clothes for the past few days but no worries, you know I'm not a fashionista like you guys." she shrugged and pointed at her closet.

"And don't worry, I'll buy you Gucci" She smiled, her eyes disappearing.

"Hey, that surprisingly rhymes!" I laughed and she smirked and winked at me, which she failed to do so, making her look like she just blinked.

I was packing my things when I remembered when she introduced Jin to us.

"This boy right here" she pointed at the guy "Is my -" "I'm her boyfriend" he chimed in and Jisoo looked at her.
"Yes, Jin is my boyfriend" She grinned and I scoffed lightly, not wanting anyone to hear me.

"Yah Kim Jisoo you player!" I quickly stood up and angrily stomped, walking to where she is sitting. I was fuming mad so that made her stood up and looked at me in confusion.

"Isn't Jin your boyfriend?! Why don't you ask him to go with you, you jerk! You said you like me and you were dating him! And now you're -"
I was rambling about things when she hugged me and laughed her ass off.

"Yah what are you doing? You think you could get away with this by doing that?!" I angrily asked her while hitting her for a few times while I'm inside her embrace.

"We just did that to make you jelly, that worked huh? And didn't you notice that he called aunt Dara 'eomma' so that means he's my cousin." She faced me and grinned. I was blushing madly when I realised.

"Jennie pabo-yah." She teased me and I hit her on her arm and glared at her.


After long hours of sitting at a damn plane and my butt being numb, we finally arrived at France. And heck it was beautiful here.

"Oh god, my butt is numb." Jisoo mumbled when we got into our hotel room.

Our hotel room has a 60 inch flat screen television, one king size bed, a balcony, jacuzzi inside the bathroom and two chandelier placed in it, the other one being in the middle of the ceiling of the room. And mind you, everything looks expensive here.

"Jisoo, how much did you spend on this trip?" I faced her and eyed her sharply.

"Eh, maybe just a few euros here and there?" she smiled at me sheepishly and I glared at her.

"How much." I sternly said which caused her to wince.

"Um, around 300,000€? Yeah maybe around that" she touched the back of her neck.

I fished my phone from my pocket and converted euros into won, I widened my eyes when I got the amount in won.

"What the hell Jisoo? That's over 370M won! You could just use that to buy your car or buy something for yourself!" I scolded her.

"Oh, let me buy a car when we come back then" she answered back.

"Aish! I know you're a rich ass but still! You could have save it for your future!" I snapped back.

"As if you're not spending your money here and there, look at your Gucci stuff." She clicked her tongue and smirked at me.

"So what? But what can I do to return this favor?" I asked and she touched her chin, thinking.

"Just enjoy this trip, and buy anything that you want here, and then we're even." She clapped like a kid.

"How is that returning a favor? But fine then, I won't spend too much." I said as I unpack the last thing in my baggage.

"Nope, this is the first time I'd let you shop for agonizing hours and you're going to let this pass? And that 370M won you're talking about is our budget here, and If we go broke here then it's okay" She jumped on the bed and turned on the television.

"Such a rich girl you are, I'll just marry you if I go broke." I joked when she stiffened.

"That's better than nothing." she smirked at me, but there's something wrong in her eyes. Wait, did she took that seriously?!

I walked to the bed where she's lying, and side hugged her, making her arms my pillow.

"I'm just kidding Chu." I said in aegyo voice and she chuckled, this time it's real.

"You can sweep everyone with your aegi voice, it's not fair." She looked down on me and pouted.

"Yeah yeah whatever, let's do shopping later, but for now sleep and cuddles Chu." I talked in baby voice again.

I moved a little closer to her, making my self comfortable while she faced me and wrapped her arms around me, making sure that I was comfy, she placed her arms as my pillow.

This is how our great days continued. Her arms wrapped around me protectively, making sure to not let me go and hearing her hearbeats.

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