Chapter Two

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Jisoo's P.O.V

In the past few days, I've been thinking of ways to confess to Jennie, It's killing me inside. Chaeng and I had a talk earlier this morning and she finally convinced me after many times she made me anxious telling me that Jennie might be stolen from me.


"What if she gets stolen from you? You should really tell her eonni. Make up your mind already!" Rosé scolded me, I lost count on how many times she said this to me from the day she found out my feelings for Jennie.

"Gets stolen from me? She's not mine Chaeng, and she doesn't know that I like her." I said frustratingly while resting my head in the table.

"Then make her yours! You're so dumb eonni."

"Yah! I'm not dumb, just afraid of what will happen."

"You'll be hurt if you don't move fast, we don't want that to happen."

"Okay! I made up my mind-I'll confess to her! But please be there for me with tissues when she rejects me." I whined at her and she screamed right into my ears and hugged me tightly.

"But before that, I'm going to talk to my eomma before this happens. I hope she'll understand-and you better take care of her while I'm away!" I said to her.

"Okay eonni, I'm going to be your number one shipper! Don't you worry, She's not going to reject you!" she chirped happily.

And now, I'm on my way to our house. I didn't tell them that I'll go home today but I'll text them later when I get home.

I'm so nervous right now. To ease my panicked state, I just diverted my attention in the window.

As I watched the scenery, I can't help but to feel drowsy because of its calming effect-It's not long when darkness consumed me.

"Hey, this is the last station." A girl with ash brown hair woke me up.

"Oh sorry, thanks for waking me up."
I got off my seat and bowed to her.

I didn't know I fell asleep, good thing the last station is my stop.

I hailed a taxi and gave the driver directions to our house.

This it Jisoo, you need to be strong.

I inhaled deeply to decrease my nervousness and knocked the door, after a few knocks the door opened.

"Omo Jisoo-yah!" my mom exclaimed joyfully as she let me inside and hugged me super tightly that I can't even breathe properly.

"E-eomma...can't breathe..." she immediately let go and smiled at me.

"I missed you baby, you've grown so much." She said as she caressed my head and wiped her imaginary tears.

"I've missed you too and your cooking, Where's appa? Is he at his office?" I asked as I sensed that dad isn't here.

"Yes, do you want to eat? You must be tired, there's food in the kitchen if you want to."

Mom then prepared my meal since she already ate earlier before I got here so she won't be eating with me.

"Tada! I got the strong feeling that I need to cook this today, and I'm right. I am the best mother." She boasted while grinning at me and serving the kimchi fried rice.

"So my child, what brings you here at my house?" she animatedly asked me. I missed my dork mother.

"Let's talk about it later when dad comes home."

"Ooh, it seems serious. Do you have a relationship with someone now? Or are you pregnant?!" She sharply eyed my stomach and touched it.

"What?! No! I don't even have a boyfriend, why would I be pregnant?!"

I swear my mother's imagination is wider than the universe, pregnant? What the hell!'

"Yah! your child is here, get home now!" She giggled while talking with dad over the phone, after awhile she hung up.

"Your appa's coming home, I told him to get home now because your case looks serious and he can leave his office anytime since he's the boss anyways." She smirked at her plan.

My appa has his own business, but our company is not that big yet-just getting there.

Someone knocked at the door, it must be appa. I opened the door and let appa inside.

"Jisoo our baby girl." He cooed and hugged me tightly and patted my head.

Then of course, my parents starts flirting like teenagers. They looked like newly wed couple, I wonder why there's only me and Irene eonni? She's in her dorm at another university right now.

I fake coughed to remind them that I'm still here.

"Okay honey, what's the matter?" Dad asked as we sat in the couch, facing each other.

I inhaled deeply to prepare my self. Calm down Jisoo, you'll be fine.

"I-I'm..." I paused and looked at them and they smiled at me encouraging me to continue.

"I'm gay." I diverted my eyes everywhere except the two of them and fiddled with my fingers as I wait for their reaction.

Shit. I'm in big trouble, I shoudn't have said it, they will not accept me, ready youself because they're gonna disown you in a few seconds.

I looked up in my appa, he looked furious while my mom just stared at me blankly. It was quiet, too quiet that I can hear my own racing heart beat.

"You're what?!" Dad asked me while I sunk on the couch.

"I'm gay." I stated clearly and looked at them bravely. They looked at each other and my mom suddenly spoke.

"That's it? You're gay?" She asked me looking bored then checking her nails out. What the fudge??

Dad then softened his features as he smiled and pouted at me.

"We're just playing with you Chichu." He laughed at me.


"Wow, and here I am being nervous as heck and preparing my self incase you guys disown me." I sighed deeply, heavy worries lifted in my mind.

"You better give us lots of grandchildren so you can have your own heir." He wiggled his eyebrows at me and grinned.

"Yeah! I was thinking about that earlier that's why I was quiet! Whoa we're really soul mates." Then they high-fived each other.

"So who's the lucky girl? Surely you're crushing on someone right now." They asked me at the same time.

"That's the problem, I haven't confessed to her and I'm afraid she'll reject me, but I'll tell her when I come back there. I came here so I can tell you guys." I smiled at them.

"What's her name? Do we know her?" Appa asked curiosly.

"Jennie Kim." I stated and they stared at me widening their eyes.

"As in the one we spent christmas with? As in my best friend's daughter?" My mom gushed.

"Yes, the one and only"

"I have so many news for Eunha right now." She mentioned Jennie's eomma.

"Please don't tell her yet, I'll call you guys when something happens." they nodded at me.

"Then what are you doing here? Go get your girl!" And they immediately stand up and shoved me at the door. Such supportive parents.

"See you again, eomma and appa!" I hugged them and hailed a cab.

I think I forgot to do something. What is it? I shrugged my thoughts.

Step one is completed Jisoo, now all you have to do is get Jennie Kim.

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